

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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I played with my chief like 10 hours and my bearing didnt break in.same thing with my borealis-those were CTX,i assume pixels and konkaves break in with more ease?

Yes they break in a little easier. -Chris

According to the list, Yuuki is competing at Worlds!!! Yay!!! 📣 Does that mean he is going to start competing regularly in contests again?!

We registered him just in case. He hasn't confirmed yet if he will be. -Chris

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If I love the feel of the Manatee and how it plays, will I like the Compass? How different are they?

I'd say the Compass is more airy in comparison. It's much quicker and more slicey. Plus size is quite diff. Hard to say. -Chris

Compass looks amazing. Made in Canada?

Thank you! No it is made in China by a small high quality manufacturer. If we made it in Canada we wouldn't be able to sell them for $85-90. -Chris

I was editing a yoyo design when my computer decided to update to windows 10 :(. Now I lost the changes and have to wait to redo them. Has anything like this ever happened to you?

Allllll the time. I feel your pain. -Chris

have u ever thought of bringing the arctic cricles 1 and 2 back,for a zach anniversary?

Nope. -Chris

When do you jink yoyoing will become an olympics sport? like this year becaus worlds is same time as rio, dose that make rogue olympics event??

Probably never. -Chris

Chris, if you could design a signature yoyo for anyone dead, alive, or fictional, who would it be and why?

Indy Kwatra
Kurt Cobain. Because he was a genius and I think he could have used some yoyo in his life. -Chris

I was supposed to be contented with my gold blizzard until the snow cone came. served upside down or it's free?

Hahaha ... Ya these new Blizzards are dope. We tweaked the weight to be 64.7g. Changed the fit on the bearing seat. Plus the two color fades all have brushed rims. It's what Andrew won with today at MA states. He's loving the new ones. -Chris

If you would ever make a satire or parody related to yoyos, what would it be about?

Nothing. It would just be about a guy with an apartment who has 3 friends. One is tall and kind of quirky. The other would be a woman who dances funny. The last one would be a short stalky guy with glasses that is always getting dumped by the ladies. -Chris
Liked by: Dean Horneck


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