

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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How unfortunate that there are a lot of 12 year old kids raging over not being able to get a Yeti through Yoyoexpert. It's sad to see the rude disrespectful comments on Instagram. It's not your fault at all and if they were to have some sense in them they would understand you're doing your best.

It's frustrating for everyone, but we pretty much expected this...there was absolutely no way to release a very small quantity of the last of the Yetis in a way that was going to make everyone happy. We weighed that against how happy *some* people would be, and decided to go ahead and release them. Once we redesign and re-release it we won't have these problems. -Steve

i want to buy fools gold where can i get fools gold

Those are available direct from CLYW.ca, and we don't have any available right now. -Steve

Related users

Do the Yetis come with extra spacers in this run (currently through yoyoexpert) and do they come stock with what people call "YYF death spacers"?

No they don't, and yes they do. -Steve

What determines a return top to be retired?

Any number of things! Sometimes it's time to update the design, sometimes it's a signature model and that player wants something different, sometimes it just doesn't sell very well. Mostly we just retire something when it seems like it's a good time to let it go. -Steve

is there any way i can buy any throws lower than a b grade rating from you guy ?

No such thing. -Steve

Please sell clyw stickers and pins on the new website!

I'll have to see what I have kicking around...maybe I'll put some packs together. -Steve
Liked by: Anthony

would you ever consider hiring a 16 year old plzzzzzzzzzzzzz?

We aren't hiring anyone right now, sorry. -Steve

Since I started yoyoing I think about my life in an unhealthy critical way. I adore too many players, and hate myself for not being as good. I'm upset because I don't earn enough money in my job to buy the throws I love. And I dislike my friends for not showing interest in my hobbies. I'm desperate.

Don't hate yourself for not being as good as "the best", realize your place in the larger scheme of things and know that you my friend are better than 99% of every human being on the planet. Even being mediocre at yoyoing puts you above 7 billion other people. That's pretty damn good.
Don't worry about what gear you don't have, learn to maximize the gear you do have. Pick up used throws on the cheap as you can and remember that the World YoYo Contest has been won on $20 plastic yoyos before.
Don't worry about what your friends or schoolmates or family members think of your yoyoing. You aren't doing it for them, you're doing it for you.
Don't sweat it. Make it about what YOU want it to be about...everyone else can just straight piss up a rope, ya know? -Steve

me and my brother are buying yoyos for each other for Christmas no more than 100$ any suggestions

Impossible to narrow it down in that price range. Too much great stuff! -Steve

are the scouts and bonfire sent out yet? i cant decide whether to get scout, bonfire, or summit i originally planned to get a summit today but il wait if those 2 r better choices

Scouts & Bonfires should be available on July 23rd. -Steve

So I just got a yeti :D and wanted know; should sanding it be my first priority? Or did they get sanded as part of the prep process because of the difficulty with the first shipments?

Playing it should be your priority. -Steve

Where can i get some CLYW stickers?

We have some that we've been putting in with releases lately. Or you can find me or Chris at a contest. -Steve
Liked by: Anthony

Is clyw sponsoring IYYC? Also is Chris coming or you Steve?

No. It's a Duncan-only contest this year. -Steve

Will there be a clue both at IYYC where we can try out and purchase yoyos?

IYYC is a Duncan contest. -Steve

Yye said that buying a yeti comes with certain risks, but why is not being able to control it's awesome beast powers not listed? My friend really loved his, but one day during math class, his yeti "ran away"

Yetis do that sometimes. They're frisky. -Steve


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