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Make a vid about everybodys activities in the lodge?that would be pretty cool haha

No one wants to watch a video of me (Yeti) sleeping and farting while Chris changes his kids' diapers and tells his wife "Yeti will only be here another week, I swear. He's got a lead on a job and he'll keep this one, I'm sure of it!"

14.08 on the summit documentary answers about half a gram making a difference.

It does make a difference. Just not a lot. ;)
It's also within the normal range of variance from one production run to the next.
Liked by: Anthony

If you could legally call your products yoyos would you, or would you just as well continue to call them return tops? Also, which canadian coined the term "return top", Dudley Do Right or Bob and Doug McKenzie?

If it didn't require so much explaining, we'd call them Canuckle Twirlers.

Why have so many people on your team that don't get good at competitions? Zach sells your yoyos. Harrison sells your yoyos. But I can't see a lot of people on your team being the reason for Average Joe buying your stuff... Isn't sponsoring supposed to generate sales for you guys?

That's a really simplistic view of a very complicated and multi-faceted question.
The short answer: Trust us. We have a plan.

Will you guys be at Canadian nationals selling stuff (it's in vancouver this year thank jesus)

Not sure yet. Maybe?

Are specs tweaked a little for each run for each yoyo?

Not really. If we find a problem we'll correct it but generally speaking we do all our tweaking during prototyping.
Liked by: Anthony

is chase baxter on clyw i saw him using puffin at bac and is the gnarwhal fast?

He's not on the team, but we appreciate his support!
Liked by: Anthony

Why is it that CLYW doesn't have many or a few young yoyoers (under 15) like Harrison Lee? Others just don't fit? Or is Harrison the exceptional yoyoer?

Harrison IS exceptional!
Liked by: Anthony

Maple wood fixed axle butterfly with clyw engravings?

Sounds neat! Now to find the right return top...

When will the FG Puffin 2's be up?

No idea. We don't handle that anymore. All questions should be directed to bgradeyoyos.com.

Did any of the FG gnarwhals come with lubed CTXs? For whatever reason mine was lubed to the point of responsiveness. A quick dip in some lighter fluid fixed the situation but kinda confused still.

All CTX bearings are lubed from the factory. They break in really nicely over time, or you can clean them. A lot of top players prefer them lightly lubed, so they start that way for maximum customization by the player.
Liked by: Anthony

Did jensen use the same song As Tyler on purpose? Hahah

Maybe? Haven't seen Tyler's routine yet...I'm way behind on watching contest video!


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