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What colorways will the next release of gnarwhal 2's be in? I hope confetti or black bip bop

Haven't picked colors yet. -Steve

For horizontal and speed, would you recommend the bonfire or the orca? Thanks!

Ooh, that's a really tough call. I know Kurti preferred the Bonfire specifically for those for a while, but I think the Orca is more stable. -Steve

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Just got my fools gold return tops! i completely love my orca and my bonfire

Awesome, glad you dig 'em! Thanks for the support. :) -Steve

Steve this isn't clyw related question but weren't you the one who started Duncan? If not, who did and how did Duncan's boss (if I'm not mistaken) became Augie? Cause when I just started yoyoing I remember seeing you on YouTube under the Duncan YouTube channel. Thanks in advance!

Duncan Toys started in 1929 when Donald Duncan Sr. bought the Flores YoYo Company from Pedro Flores. I was fortunate enough to be the guy steering the boat for about 6 years. I'll toot my own horn here and say that period of time was arguably the most popular Duncan has been with serious yoyo players in modern history, but I definitely didn't start the company. I'm not that old! LOL -Steve
Liked by: Brent smith

is it normal for your bearings to be unshielded? my FG's bearings had no shields when i tried to do maintenance

CTX bearings are unshielded. -Steve

Does John Robot still play return tops? i dont see many videos of him lately...

He has a new video, actually...coming soon! -Steve

Does clyw pay their team members differently for each person, or do they pay the same amount to everyone?

I'm afraid that's between us and our team. -Steve

how to get rid of sweating hands during competition? except wearing gloves becuase obviously i dont have any

anetatochuj’s Profile PhotoPaweł i Kamil
Some players spray their hands with deodorant. Never tried it though. -Steve

Why don't you guys make blue return tops anymore? I love blue!

We do! Can't make every color in every run though, lol


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