

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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My puffin 2 came screwed together quite tightly and now whenever I unscrew it, I screw it back together pretty tight (not as tight as it came, though). Is screwing the halves together pretty tight alright for the return top or will it damage it in any way?

Just don't crank it hard and you'll be fine. When it stops turning, stop screwing it. -Steve

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Do you have anything else in the same Summit Dark Green colorway? It's such a rich colorway, I'd pass trying silver plating for that.

Nothing else coming any time soon....our anodizer has been having a hard time with solid colors lately so we're just not doing them for the time being. -Steve

whats the easiest cabin tutorial trick to learn?

That's pretty much unquantifiable...it really depends on your particular strengths as a player. Some players might find some tricks a lot easier than others, ya know? -Steve

Can you do fingerspin like tricks with yo-yos that have spikes?

Not really...the spikes mean that you have precisely 0% margin for error to catch the return top spinning right on the center of that spike. If you miss, your finger is gonna get torqued by that spike and it's unpleasant. -Steve
Liked by: Dean Horneck

have ou thought about someone who doesnt have instagram, but want your yoyos so bad, that made a new account only for this purpose(entrer your instagram contests? Sorry for ym english, iam from cz

Yeah, and it's easy to separate those from the fakes. -Steve

is this run this new run of bonfire the last run and if its not... when will the next run after this one be and how long until its discontinues?

It's not the last run. We rather like the Bonfire, and have no plans to discontinue it. -Steve

Do you have a job outside of clyw Steve? If you do, what is it?

I'm completely self-employed...which means I have a few jobs. ;)
I'm a stay-at-home dad first and foremost. Been doing that since my son was born. I handle Marketing duties for CLYW, I run bgradeyoyos.com, I do some freelance copy writing for a few different companies, and I manage web stores for a couple of friends of mine (Chris Ryniak & Amanda Louise Spayd).
It's all work that I can do from home and move around my own schedule, so I get to take care of my kids and really be there for them while still working to provide for my family. It's hard to balance work/life sometimes, but this gives me much more opportunity to be a present and involved father. -Steve

Steve looks like Bob Ross in that picture! you should do a "happy trees" colorway to commemorate it xD

Ha ha...I love Bob Ross! Fun fact, he used to donate all those paintings he did on his show to NPR for them to auction off during fundraisers for the station. -Steve
Liked by: Adam E Brewster

steve thanks for answering my question in detail. i was not trying to come across as hostile, but like anything sometimes you gotta be cruel to be kind:) thanks! you all are the bees knees!

Yep, no problem! -Steve

Steve, the only Chief that came with art on all sides recently is the Mischief one. The rest didn't! The Sasquatch also doesn't!

Hrm, weird. I'll talk to Chris about it! -Steve

You guys is colors ways just keep getting better and better after I saw some of those new bonfire colors it kind of weird to say I wish I would have waited to by one from the new batch

Eli_Tucker13’s Profile PhotoEli Tucker
Thanks! Glad you dig 'em! -Steve


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