

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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make a yoyo that is a people person, but also a bit shy, but has some serious attitude and contempt for authority, but also stands up for what is right and has a bit of a sensitive side too, but is very progressive and modern and also a little old fashioned and still like opens doors for women.

We shall call it "Steve" and you will love it, until you get into an argument about comic books with it on Facebook ha ha ha ha. -Steve

to me the ac2 and the bvm2 is the best yoyos ever should I get another ac2 or a orca?

Try the Orca. I think you're going to like it. -Steve

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Can I have the shape of the scout and specs?

Shape is the same as the Advance Scout, but the inner cup has changed and weight distro has changed. We'll release a slew of photos and specs when we are closer to a release. -Steve

What's the diff between scout and orca?

Completely different shapes and weight distribution. They look different and play different. Sorry, that's kinda like saying "what's the diff between oranges and strawberries?" so it's pretty wide open and hard for me to pin down exactly what kind of answer you're looking for? -Steve

When are the next cabin tutorials being released?

Gonna be a while, since we need to film & edit them. -Steve

Is zammy in the team now?

Nope, just a friend. I sent him a couple of return tops recently because he has really valid and well-thought-out opinions on play value and Chris and I were curious to see what he thought of the new stuff. -Steve

I like super floaty yet super stable/ long spinning Yoyos. Would I like the bonfire or orca more?

Both will do the trick for you. Pick your favorite shape! -Steve

please just let us just pay once when you sell the fg!

I really don't understand this question. -Steve

Can I be on the CLYW team? :)

If you are incredible, and interesting, and doing awesome stuff, and bringing value to the return top industry and community and have a great personality and are someone that we all want to hang out with? Yes. Yes. you can. -Steve

When in April are these fools golds dropping? At the end or beginning or middle, which one? I really want a fg wm2!

No idea.

what run was the ash berry bonfire apart of?

Uh....no idea. Sorry. We don't really keep track of that kinda stuff. -Steve

you guys should make solid blue yoyos

No matter what color we make, someone says we "should have made xxxx" ha ha ha. We did solid blue for the Advance Scout, and will have solid blue for the production Scout. -Steve

1. The 1st run solid Orca's are only form clyw.ca, right? 2. When are you releasing a splash run? I just want to know the month please.

1. Correct.
2. A month or so? Maybe sooner. -Steve

which colorway maiderade or iceberg do you like more on the AC2? Also what is your favorite colorway?

I'm boring. I like solid colors the best! But I do really like Maiderade, mostly because I really like blue. -Steve

Any chance we see some solid YELLOW throws coming up? Or yellow base with a light splash? Not gold, but yellow. Like Big Bird yellow. Seems like an underused color, but looks so good and it really pops against dark backgrounds/shirts.

Yellow ends up just looking like gold unless you hold it against gold. I think we did some Marmots a while back that were gold w/yellow splash (or maybe yellow with gold splash) that looks pretty cool. Maybe we'll bring that back! -Steve
Liked by: DA

How many raw Wm2s were given/sold? Because I bought one today and I was wondering how rare it is

Just a handful. We never sold them, but I think Jensen had a few that he got from One Drop that he sold off. -Steve

I noticed that on facebook you guys put up a few pics of the Orca being packaged (which looks dope by the way) but I also noticed something very interesting. On the side in the corner, there appeared to be pics of splashed yoyos...were those the splashed Orcas?

Nope, that's a stack of photo prints from our Instagram account with "thank you" notes written on them by me. One of those is going in to each Orca box. :) -Steve


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