

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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Isn't the owner of Barely Legal YoYos a former CLYW team member?

Last I heard, Zdenek was a part owner, so yes. I just don't really follow them...their stuff doesn't make it over to Canada/US and it's sometimes hard to stay current on the Czech scene if you don't speak Czech.
So yah...familiar, but don't really know what they're up to.

Hello, I ordered a Gnarwhal 2 from the b-grade site but I recieved a puffin 2. It is gold and doesn't have any b-grade stamps on it but I do not want it, I wanted the Gnarwhal 2. Anyway I could fix this?

Yikes! Sorry about that! Contact them here to get that sorted out:
Liked by: Anthony

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have you ever heard about barely legal yoyos from czech republic?

Heard of them, yes, but don't know anything about them.
Liked by: Anthony

Should i get KS Fat for super long sleeping yoyos only?

If you like Kitty String Fat, use it for whatever you like. Although I don't recommend it for fixed axle.
Liked by: Anthony

Does jensi live with charles and chris or im crazy

I don't know if you're crazy, but Jensen, Charles, and Chris don't all live together.
This is CLYW, not Three's Company.

i wish i had a clyw :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( (i'm on a low budget) but i do live in calgary!

Save up! We have more Fools Gold coming soon, those are way more affordable and still pretty darn good.
Liked by: Anthony

What is ur relationship with jensen at the moment?

He's a friend, and we sometimes collaborate on return top stuff with him.
Liked by: Anthony

is yoyo bearing lube a scam or is it really necessary?

It's only necessary if you want it to be. You can always just run your bearings dry until they die, and then replace them.
Liked by: Anthony

What is a 'tiny response wall' and how does it affect play?

It's where there is no wall on the same level as the response, reducing friction. I think the YoYoFactory Catch 22 was the first to use it. It's pretty much standard all over at this point.
What is a tiny response wall and how does it affect play
Liked by: Anthony Dean Horneck

I have a Supernova. I'm interested in getting a CLYW top and wondering which one to get.

Best advice we can give you is to try and find someone who has the current models and try them out. We don't design our return tops to play like anything else. If you want something full-sized, with a tiny response wall, that's really stable, get a Bonfire. But it's not going to play like anyone else's return tops.
Liked by: Anthony Matthew

Does Charles like Kitty string fat over Kitty string normal? If so why? Grippy binds, good for slacks, last longer?

All of those reasons, yes. Also, Kitty String Fat has 32% more AW YEAH per string.
Because science.
Liked by: Anthony

Which return top of yours is most similar to the YYF Supernova?

None, really.
If you like the Supernova, just get one of those. We're cool with that.
Liked by: Anthony Matthew


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