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what toothpaste do you use?

looks like it's called PreviDent 5000 Booster Plus. they gave me this kind to use after I had braces.

What is your three favorite foods and have you seen the anime Monster?, if so your thoughts.

My favorite foods are pizza, Japanese curry, and idk what else. Maybe either pão de queijo or gyūdon. If we are talking unhealthy American food qdoba and innout are amazing.

I saw you at nats but i was too scared to talk to you since you seemed too cool for me and you were with all the famous players like gentry and andrew and stuff....now i regret it.

You can just come up and talk to me don't worry about it :) When I was a beginner I was scared to approach Yuuki, Augie, Ando, Grant Johnson, etc. but once I did it got better! I'm even their friends now haha.
Liked by: allyon17

i know you dont really play tennis anymore but what tennis racket did you use?

I played just last week :) I used to use a Babolat Storm but just recently got a Babolat Pure Aero.

do you prefer canon or nikon cameras?

I have a canon 60d. Not sure about recently but I know in the past canon were generally known to be better for video and thats why I went with canon.

tips on getting sponsored other than"dont worry about getting sponsored"

Worry about improving. If you are always improving you'll get to a high level and will be sponsored. Try and find ways to stand out and/or excel in competitions. There are no shortcuts to getting sponsored.

What tips would you give to making a freestyle?

If you want to place well learn the system but also learn to do so while doing what you enjoy. Keep the audience on their toes :)

how long did you work on your world's fs

I was looking for music and trying out different ideas maybe 6-7 months in advance, began confirming different songs and parts of my freestyle 4 months in advance and practicing what I knew I wanted to do. At around 1-2 months I had every little part of my freestyle figured out and I'd practice it in it's entirety rather than just pieces.

Favorite solid color way, and favorite collect?

I don't have a favorite solid color way. They usually all look great! I'm not sure what you mean by favorite collect? I have this one of three painted fhz that I think is pretty rad.

I know that you probably get asked this a lot, but how long do you usually yoyo everyday?

Some days I only yoyo a couple minutes whereas other days I may yoyo for 3-4 hours. If theres a competition coming up I'm usually consistently practicing a few hours each day a few months out in advance.

Hi Zach how are u going? Can u explain to me that how do u find your music for competition?Usually I just choose some anime songs to use,however that are difficult for me to follow on beats,therefore focus on music or beats which one u feel be first to solve?Also any anime u are watching recently?

I focus on both the music and the beats. I think I know what music you're wanting to use and finding songs that have both the vibe of some anime osts and good obvious beats to yoyo to can be really hard :p I talk a little bit about how I find my music several questions down below. It takes a lot of searching haha.


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