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the AC2 is my perfect yoyo right now. nothing I don't like about it. will I like the Advance Scout?

aaronbendichclyw’s Profile Photoaaron bendich
I have no idea.
The thing to remember about asking me "Will I like it?" is that I came up as a demonstrator first, player second...so my job was to use whatever was handed to me and make it look awesome. As such, my personal tastes are kinda weird and my preferences are generally "spin good? ok good."
I can say that I like both of those return tops. I like the AC2 better for 5A and the Advance Scout better for 1A. But both play great and I could easily play with either for an extended period of time. -Steve

AC2 compared to Advance Scout?

Well, they're both round. Other than that, everything is different...shape, weight distribution, look, feel, moment of inertia, stability, etc. Hard to compare them at all, they're just really, really different.
Advance Scout is solid, stable, fast. AC2 is floaty, fairly stable, really fast, and bigger. -Steve

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how much did the last run of yeti's cost?

I believe the normal production models were $55, and some low quantity "proto colors" were offered as collector items and cost more like $75 or so. -Steve

Can you list the next return tops that will be released in the next 6 months, and what stage of production they are currently in. Want to have an idea of what to save up for. Thanks. Love your guy's stuff (CLYW team and company collectively)! Keep it up!

Wooly Marmot 2 - Being anodized
Arctic Circle 2 - Being anodized
Sasquatch - Being engraved
Puffin 2 - Being anodized
Avalanche - Being machined

Steve! This one's for you. I've been seeing a lot of conversations about 5A and a lot of people I've talked to say it's dying. What are your thoughts on the state of freehand? Also, are there any up and coming 5A players you find worth noting?

5A IS dying. The problem is there's a monopoly on promoting the style and selling equipment for the style, and that monopoly is held by a company that doesn't want to let anyone else do it, but also doesn't think it's worth their effort or resources to do it themselves. So everyone who wants to promote it has their hands tied, and the only people who can promote it don't see any value in it. And there's no incentive for the players since it doesn't benefit them or their sponsors for them to be awesome at something they can't capitalize on.
Until Duncan decides to actively promote it and/or make the license affordable, 5A continue it's decline until it's basically at the same level as 2A...only entered by a few holdouts. -Steve

what happened to all the other guys? seems like steve is the only person who answers these questions anymore.

I've been the guy answering pretty much all the questions since we started the account. Chris and Charles pop in once in a while, but it's been mostly me the whole time. -Steve
Liked by: Dean Horneck

solid go;ld on next sasq run?)

Next Sasquatch run will be split between solids and our fancy colorways...solids should be coming out first, and fancy stuff a few weeks later. -Steve
Liked by: Dean Horneck

Another one coming from @yoyosonly, what is the biggest improvement I could make to my play style and trick construction?

Play longer. Some things only come with time. -Steve

So my sleep time on my Yeti is awful, but I can't figure out what exactly the problem is. I've done the suggested maintainence, but to no avail! Any ideas? I've also switched bearings multiple times as well.

Bearing is good? Spacers are good? Nothing wrong with that plastic lip around the bearing cavity?
Other than that it's hard to see what's wrong without actually using it. -Steve

I love everything CLYW, but have a question about a bad Yeti I have. Long story short, my Yeti began to play responsive, unscrewed to switch bearings and on both halves a piece of the lip at beginning of bearing seat was cracked and broken. Have you heard of this happening before?

Plastic is plastic, and with heavy wear and use plastic can break. It's not a problem we've heard a lot about, but one thing you can always be sure of...if something can be broken, someone will break it. Unfortunately, you're talking about a plastic yoyo that's probably over a year old and has probably seen a lot of use. Hit me up at steve@clyw.ca and I'll see what I can do. -Steve

First off, Andrew Maider was a beast at the Las Vegas Open! Second, thanks to the Cabin Tutorials, I just learned Classic Yuuki Concepts. It is a fun trick to learn. On to Spencer Berry's Enigma and the rest of those awesome tricks. Is it possible to incorporate all the tutorials into one combo?

Raijin98’s Profile PhotoJacob Jeans
Andrew is just amazing! This is gonna be his year!
Glad you're digging the Cabin Tutorials. There are definitely ways to lace together a lot of different tricks and elements into longer combos, but the question you have to ask yourself is "What actually fits?" Build combos that flow logically, don't just try to run everything together otherwise it just looks like your first hour of playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater. -Steve
Liked by: aaron bendich

oi m8 when iz du nxt wun ov sasqwazcheuz comin boyyyy plss by my mixtapeeee

fdjkaf;diaopgfuiopa urieopa fiaopgfra fdaiofpautioeprqe fdahfidoapfda -Steve
Liked by: Paulo

I have an original Gnarwhal. It's gnarly. Should I upgrade to a Gnarwhal 2, or get something else like a bonfire or chief? Is the Gnarwhal 2 a huge improvement?

The Gnar2 is definitely a huge improvement over the original, but with enough of the feel of the original held over for you to enjoy both.
The difference between the Puffin and Puffin 2 is so big to me that they don't even feel like the same model, but the difference between the Gnar and Gnar2 feels like a logical refinement and improvement. -Steve

Watched the Advance Scout release like hawk. Happy to say I got the color I was aiming for :)

Sweet, thanks for the support! -Steve

Steve! I'm having money problems and I'm not gonna be able to get the last 30 till Sunday and I'm afraid tht the advance scout will sell out can u by any chance hold one for me ? pleaaasee I need your help I really want the scout

You should be fine...we still have a decent amount left!
I'm actually really stoked that these haven't sold out yet...I hope they last long enough for all the players that usually have a hard time getting new CLYW releases to pick one up! Return tops for everyone! -Steve

Were the latest run of snow tires a bit thin? The binds on some recently purchased CLYW's are really bad...

We haven't had any issues, and haven't heard any other complaints from people, but I'll double check just in case. Have you changed string? That could do it. -Steve


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