

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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do you guys ever get tired of people (kids) kissing your butts with vacuous, vapid complements? it gets a little tiresome reading them i think.

What we do is pretty difficult, very time consuming, and to be honest it pays very little.
We do this out of love. We try to make enough money for it to be sustainable, but this is still very much a labor of love.
So when people take time out of their lives to say something nice about, it's pretty cool to us. And we appreciate it, because it means that we're doing something that means something to them, too.

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What do you think would be more prone to bent axel and or vibe... A long axel or a short axel? (Don't really know why I'm thinking about this lol...)

Neither, if you avoid squashing your return tops by sitting on them.
Liked by: Anthony

are all yoyos that will be sold from chris' collection A grade?

Nope. A grades, b grades, beaters, oddballs. Lots of different stuff, including a fair bit of non CLYW.
Liked by: Anthony

Do you guys feel that when you buy a clyw return top you don't just get a yoyo but your also part of the clyw community too?

We like to think so, yeah.
Liked by: Anthony

What artists does Charales Haycock like listening to?

Well quite a large and wide array of artists! It might be more useful for me to just list a few of the artists i've been jamming recently: Hit me up again later if you want more.
Hip Hop:
- Jay Electronica
- Kendrick Lamar
- Kanye West
- Onra
- MF Doom
Other Genres:
- Philip Glass
- Eternal Sunshine of A Spotless mind soundtrack
- Patrick Watson
- Regina Spektor
Liked by: Anthony

I know "yoyo" is a proprietary term, and "return top" is just dandy, but have you ever considered "yöyö?

no we haven't! though I think it could come of suspicious.
Liked by: Anthony


Language: English