

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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I have never bought a CLYW before, and I am interested in picking up a Bonfire. How quickly does a single run typically sell out?

Pretty quickly...it depends on the model and how many we made, but they usually sell out the same evening they are released. What tends to happen is that the US stores sell out first, and then the international stores sell theirs within the week, with the possible exception of a few stragglers. -Steve

do you make a "sequel" or a "2" to a model only after they have been retired? will there ever be a Chief2? Or will there never be a Chief2 because it is so very successful?

There's just nothing we want to change about the Chief. -Steve
Liked by: Erik Kerber

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what about a delrin Chief - with double rim?

That would be great if you wanted to pay aluminum Chief price for a delrin Chief. I don't think you want to do that. -Steve

You see, newly discovered evidence has proven that the Honey Badger has a distant Canadian cousin who is mischievous yet fun loving, while also being cute and cuddly. It is known as the Canadian Syrup Badger. It would totally fit in with the other CLYW characters.


I can see the box art for the Syrup Badger now. A sly looking Syrup Badger, sipping organic maple Sizzurp out of a styrofoam cup while standing over a bloody and beaten Justin Bieber. I'm pretty sure I read in a forum somewhere that The Lodge was working that up right now. Is that true?

You are really up on this badger thing, dude. -Steve
Liked by: Johnathon Gray

Was wondering about the yetis that don't make the cut. Would they work with other halfs? Would pairing a grey and blue together in some instances make some of the bad ones playable?

Not sure, but maybe we'll have to give that a shot at some point in the future. -Steve
Liked by: Matthew

When you have more slack string in stock are you going to announce on Instagram?

Absolutely! I think another batch is heading off to YoYoExpert pretty soon. We'll be sure to announce it as soon as it gets there. -Steve

bring back the dark green colour with the purple hub on the chief!!! Inkpot I think it was

I like dark colors but we're having a hard time with dark, solid colors lately. :( -Steve
Liked by: Paulo

Does the glass filled plastic of the yeti make it harder to lathe or harder to get perfect weight matching halves?

It makes it harder to mold and harder to match halves. It also means we have to hand-polish the halves to keep them from cutting strings. The end result is fantastic but man, what a pain in the butt! -Steve

make the window maker and zip zop again please!

Funny you should ask. We ran some Zip Zop Bonfires! Pics and release date coming soon! -Steve
Liked by: Paulo

you should make berry berry, blue bip bop, broken twill, coffey splash, cool ghoul, delirium dive, delirium dive speckle, falcon jab, gravy boat, grey blizzard, grey purple splash, icy purple splash, nightngale, party animal , petr kavka team edition, pyramid mountain, rewind, Saskatoon berry/blizza

You've got the full CLYW color history memorized, don't you?

When you redesigned the puffin and the AC1, Chris took out the chief-like double rim on each and replaced it with a beefier circumference rim and a larger cup. Did you ever think of doing the same with the chief itself? Like having the same shape but the profile of the AC2 or something similar.

He's thought about it but man...that double rim just works SO. WELL. in the Chief. It's just such a perfectly balanced design. -Steve


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