

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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can u guys get andrew maider to teach us his front style combo?

We're planning to do some Cabin Tutorials with Andrew this year. :) -Steve
Liked by: Jacob Jeans

Please release the orca on friday! More people will be able to buy it then

We should be able to announce a release date, hopefully, today! -Steve

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I've heard that the wind is not kind to slack tricks at BAC when competing. Is this true? Should I not use slack tricks when I compete at BAC this year? Thanks

True, the wind is not kind. Although, in years past, it has made for some legitimately amazing freestyles. Watching Johnnie DelValle pause a trick while the wind held the loop open for like 6 seconds, and then the wind died and the loop fell exactly where it needed to go? Epic. -Steve

What will be rarer, Harrison Hurricane Fade or BBB Orca? Will both be sold through retailers too?

We only made 10 BBB Orcas, and haven't checked yet to see how many are b-grade. -Steve
Liked by: Nathaniel Varela DA

Is the base layer of the Harrison hurricane white anodization because it looks white in the photo?

There is no such thing as white anodizing. -Steve

Will you guys make the lost in space colorway without the blue splash? To be honest I'm not a fan of the new splashes, but that lost in space background is soooooo beautiful.

Sorry man...that's the color way. -Steve
Liked by: Amplified

I highly support overseas manufacturing. I've always wanted to own a clyw but can't due to the price. If you guys can start making them in bigger batches overseas, I can definitely start buying. People don't like overseas because they think every overseas manufacturer hires underpaid 5 yr olds.

Thanks for the support! -Steve

This is a hypothetical question: Say I was on your team and I mainly played 1a and 4a. Would you guys be cool with me also getting sponsored by a 4a company (strictly for 4a) since you guys don't make 4a yoyos. Would that be disrespectful to do since I'm already sponsored by CLYW? I was just curious

That would be awkward, and generally confusing to the fans. -Steve

Scouts within a week or so?

I think the emails are going out to retailers for them to place their orders in the next day or two. -Steve


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