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Yeti, how many return tops have you accidentally and/or intentionally swallowed?

Accidentally? None.
Intentionally? Less than 30, but more than is reasonable.
Liked by: caleb maggard

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Please sell me those yeti's, i'll buy one for 30? "The rejects were really rejects...there is no salvaging them. The best you could hope for is to use them to make terrible wind chimes."

For $30, I can recommend much better wind chimes.
Liked by: caleb maggard

Do you plan on making more plastics yoyos? I would love to see some delrin Bonfires and AC2's out there.

We aren't done with the Yeti just yet! More plastic *might* be in our future, but it's not on the table right now.
Liked by: Anthony

Why has the 28 stories colorway change through time? Does it get done a different way sometimes?Or is it just random every time?

Different anodizers do things differently. We've gone through quite a few anodizers in our history, and it's really hard to get one to match what another one has done.
Liked by: Anthony

Do you keep your return tops in a Case, or just toss 'em in a bag? From observation, I'd say about 30% of throwers toss 'em in a bag. Seems strange, but I'm a culprit. Never had a return top get dinged from it either. Cases overrated? Just maybe.

Cases are great for storage but in general...just toss them in a bag.

hey yo! how is it yall' decide who gets a signature yo-yo, oops i mean return top?

Twice a year, we fly the entire team up to Canada. We give them each a Clif Bar, a knife, and a bundle of return top string and drop them off in the woods about 50 kilometers away.
First one to make it back to the lodge gets a signature model.

When I saw the "Yeti Assemble" Video, there's a scene where Charles throws away all the "rejects" of yeti's. Will you be selling those as fools gold, or did you give them to the homeless?

The rejects were really rejects...there is no salvaging them. The best you could hope for is to use them to make terrible wind chimes.

Along with everyone else, I love the cabin tutorials. I look foward to learning new tricks all the time with them. Thanks for putting the time in to kind of give back to us!

Thanks so much! We really love them. We're working on getting them organized nicely on the site so that tricks are easier to find and browse through.

Have you thought about 3D printing a return top?

The technology is pretty neat, but it's to hold the tolerances we want you have to use the commercial-grade machines and that makes it prohibitively expensive. But if you really want us to make you a $500 plastic yoyo, we might take a special order. LOL
Liked by: Anthony Matthew


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