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Whats the difference between a ct and ctx bearing? And is one better than the other? Does one works better on clyw yoyos or is it just preference? Sorry for all the questions and thanks!

The difference is the number of balls. CTX is a 10-ball Center Trac. I believe the CT only has 8. -Steve
Liked by: DA

How do I know if my WM2 is a first run?

Whisper gently into the cup "Are you first run?"
If the string bends towards you, it's a first run. -Steve

Is the orca going to be at cal states and/or nor-cal states?

Not sure about Cal States.
I wasn't aware that California had multiple state contests? -Steve

How many runs has the yeti done in the past?

Just two production runs, and we're still using the parts from those runs. -Steve
Liked by: DA

Any chance of more 5 panels any time soon? I need one, like, for realsies.

Yeah, we have the rest of the 44Clash 5-panels, plus more grey wool and some denim ones that have shipped to the US and should hit YoYoExpert soon. -Steve
Liked by: DA McNelly

I've been using thin lube on my bearings, but they are not becoming any less responsive If anything they are returning to my hand without binds more frequently. Any recommendations on how to resolve this?

Fast route: Soak in mineral spirits to breakdown and remove all lube. Add one tiny half-drop of super light machine oil lube
Slow route: Play with them, let everything break down and smooth out over time, and quit putting stuff into them. -Steve

What happened to Charles? Has he been demoted? Less involved lately? I thought he was 3rd in command but it appears he's kinda fallen to the background. Hope he's doing well and comes back soon!

I'm just doing video stuff now, but I haven't worked much 2 months because of a sore elbow :( I hope to get back to it soon as I can, been itching to yoyo and make vids! - Charles


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