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ETA for Yeti to drop? (you guys probably are already annoyed with all the Yeti, BVM2, Cliff, and peak questions.)

Chris just shipped parts to our assembly folks! SERIOUSLY!
That means that hopefully we can expect a few hundred Yetis to drop in a month or two, once the assembly team gets them, sets up the line, irons out the new process, and then deals with assembly & testing.

Steve I would like to see news about yoyo on phone. Could you do a new app on appstore and android? :)

I have plans for a YoYoNews app, just haven't had the time to work on it. It'll probably happen early next year...right now I'm pretty swamped getting ready for Las Vegas Open and working on some CLYW stuff that's going to launch before the end of the year.
Thanks for the interest and support! :)

What would you do if someone came to you guys asking for a sponsorship?

They have to be a good fit...our team is like a family.
There are a lot of really amazing players out there, but it takes more than that to be part of the CLYW team.

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Is true that The Scout is son of Bonfire and Bonfires wife ? And the name - He is Scout, because Petr was scout when he was young boy ?

The Scout is based on Petr's favorite aspects of the Chief and Bonfire....Scout seemed like a pretty apt name along those same lines. Plus it was a chance for us to ask Jason Week to draw Petr in a scouting uniform, which is awesome and adorable.

That question about Tomáš Vyletěl /couple hours later/ was hit the jackpot (did i said it right ? ... I dont know if I can trust goog. trans. on 100%) You should check Tomáš. He is czech like Petr and David.

Cool, thanks!

Do any team guys use gold center trac? I've been running CTX in my Marmot 2 and Chief, but just got a GCT in the mail today... WOW. I can't believe how smoooooth this thing is. I mean CTX is great, but I my Marmot seems godlike now. For those who have held back, it's oddly worth the money.

I'm super gung-ho about them, but not sure if the team is on those. I've got one in my Cliff that is amazeballs.
Liked by: Anthony

What was it like when Zdeněk Hýbl left the team ? Were you sad or you were happy that he raned new manufacrory ?

If our team is happy, we're happy...even if that means what makes them happy is leaving the team.

What are the specs of the older sasquatches rockabully ones

Pretty similar to the current ones...mostly we just moved weight around a little.
Liked by: Anthony

I check this site like 10 times a day. You guys rule. Also what's up with BvM2? (Just kidding about the BvM2 thing.) Also, do you put syrup on your putin? (Now I'm in the weird Candian question club.) Also, hi Steve.

Hi. Howdy. Hello. Greetings. Salutations.
Liked by: Anthony

Can we see some cabin tutorials with Steve, Zach, Chris, and Adam? It would be interesting with Adam because he's left handed.

We'll see what we can do, but it's hard to get Zach or Adam up to Charles' place to film.
As for me, I think I've got plenty enough tricks already up there for you to work on. Here's a few hundred for you to peruse: http://365yoyotricks.com/tag/steve-brown/
Liked by: Paulo Anthony

Cabin Tutorials are great! They're not really tutorials but if you good you can get the steps down and they help me find different concepts while I'm learning them!

Glad you enjoy them!
Liked by: Kial Hocker Anthony

Does the summit play more solid than floaty?

I'd say it really rides that line between having a light, quick feel and still feeling solid when it hits your hand.
Liked by: Anthony

when is bgradeyoyos gonna be up??

Working on it! I have a bunch of stuff from Chris' personal collection that's just about ready to go up, but pricing something like that takes forever and is a huge pain in the butt. Sorry!
Liked by: Kial Hocker Anthony

What string do you recommend for under water throwing? Kitty keeps attracting the sharks:( I really want to master 6A though.

100% cotton. It swells up beautifully underwater.
Liked by: Kial Hocker Anthony

Is it common to find somewhere in Canada that serves biscuits and gravy or grits for breakfast?

I have no idea, but as someone who was born & raised in Florida I sure hope I can find biscuits and gravy when I head up to Canada. Yum.
Liked by: Anthony Kial Hocker

I've seen the yeti maintenance video and I've tried tuning it to the best of my knowledge, any advice? It still pulsates :/

If you bought it directly from us, drop us a line at thelodge@clyw.ca.
If you got it in a trade or bought it off a BST, there's nothing we can do since we have no idea what the previous owner did to it. Sorry. :(
Liked by: Anthony


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