

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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Do you know Harrison's ign on league? (and are you allowed to publish it?) If so, what is it?

No idea, sorry. -Steve

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I'm all over the aqua Bonfire and Scout BUT will you ever re-release a solid blue Scout and/or Orca?

We really don't plan colorways until the parts arrive from the machine shop. Sorry, no idea. -Steve

Why is it expensive for you to make cabin tutorials, like where do you have to use money

We pay our team members for filming them because it's a lot of work, and we pay videographers for the filming and editing. -Steve

When you guys sell the last batch of yetis, will you sell them all at once? Or in small batches ?

Not sure yet. -Steve

Hey! Do you know if the yeti 2 is going to be made out of the same plastic as the first?

No, it won't. -Steve

Will there be any more yeti sightings any time soon, would love to get another one on my hand

All sold out for now, but working on getting a few more available. -Steve

Where are the Harrison Hurricane Fade Orcas releasing?

I don't have a list of who ordered what specific colors...better for you to contact your favorite retailer and ask what they will have available. -Steve

What retailer(s) did you send off the Harrison Hurricane Fade Orcas to? Galaxy Quest Orcas? Joe vs the Return Top Scouts? Mystic Lake Scouts? I plan on getting one of each!

Better for you to just contact your favorite retailer and ask what they have available! -Steve

is the scout good, or is it like really friggin chicken nuggets of fried strips good?

It's finger lickin' good. -Steve

Will we ever see some cool engravings outside the cup? You guys had the coolest engravings back in the day! i.e. Queen bassalope, seabass-alope, the doing stuff marmots...

Yep! We've been talking about it recently, just didn't have any art that specifically seemed to need it. -Steve

All my return tops have a lot of dents and scuffs, should I feel bad? Am I not taking care of it properly or is it just a side effect of normal play?

You're all good. -Steve
All my return tops have a lot of dents and scuffs should I feel bad Am I not

Steve do you mind vibe, to me I really don't mind unless its affecting my play too much.

I don't mind it until it gets too bad for me to control and starts killing spin time. -Steve

Don't mean to sound greedy considering he just put out a tutorial but when's the next maider tutorial releasing. Also how many did he make total? Thanks

We try to only release one Cabin Tutorial a week, since they're kinda expensive for us to produce. This week will be Yuuki, then Maider again next week. :) -Steve

did tyler steal boyd seth from you guys or were they just hanging out?

Boyd hasn't been on the team since June. -Steve

Will we see more cabin tutorials from Andrew? Will we see tutorials from Palli, Zach, or Harrison in the future?

Yes, more coming from Andrew! None currently scheduled for Palli, Zach, or Harrison but we hope to involve as much of the team as possible in Cabin Tutorials so eventually we want some from everyone. -Steve

Any plans for a sharp V shape like the phenom? If it was center weighted, or just had an odd weight distribution in general, that would be really cool.

Bonfire is probably as close as we'll get to that shape. -Steve


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