

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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Will there be more CLYW comics?

We hope so, but honestly the comics are sort of low priority for all of us right now.
Liked by: Anthony

Which of these yoyos should I get? Wooly Marmot 2 or Gnarwhal 2. Im looking for something somewhat floaty, a but fast and agile but still stable enough to go through most complex tricks. Also feel nice in the hand (the shape and size) with a nice finish for grinds and good for some horizontal.

Either one will be great for that, although the Gnarwhal 2 might be a *bit* better for horizontal.
Liked by: Anthony

Yeti x Bonfire x Puffin2 x AC2? :) WHAT is the Best on contest?

That's pretty tough to answer, since our team kicks butt with ALL of those in contests!
Liked by:  Seb Anthony

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any news on releasing any more fools gold return tops?

Yep. We're getting them together and engraved, and should have them available in a few weeks. We'll announce full details (price, what will be available) about a week before they go on sale.
Liked by: Anthony

When you guys made the summit, it shipped stock with the aqua snow tires. I felt as that was a symbol that all newer Clyw's were going to have them stock. I'm not complaining at all. I was just wondering why the switch from white to aqua then back to white?

We just ran out of them, but still had plenty of white left. We'll probably order some more aqua soon!
Liked by:  Seb

Is the Yeti the Yeti's favorite yoyo? For some reason I can picture the yeti throwing an Avalanche

Of course the Yeti prefers the Yeti...it's his signature model!
Liked by:  Seb Dean Horneck

is boyd seth still on the team?

Good question. We asked him for a bio for the website and he never sent us one.
The thing about being sponsored by a yoyo manufacturer is if you want to get something out of it, you have to take initiative and provide more than you take. We're hoping Boyd takes some initiative this year.
So to answer your question...that's kind of up to him right now. Feel free to bug him about it.
Liked by:  Seb Anthony

have you ever injured yourself while playing yoyo ? if yes how ?

Every one who plays yoyo for any length of time whallops themselves at some point. Chin, collarbone, wrist, elbow, knuckles...take your pick.

I live in Calgary and I'm making a trip there sometime soon, I wanted to come over and see your office, where is it? or can I call you

We moved out of the office (we sure loved it, though!) and right now we're all working from our respective homes. If you want that in fancy-speak, "CLYW is a distributed company". Makes it sound fancier, doesn't it? Drop us a line at info at clyw dot ca, though, and if we're available we might be able to meet up. No promises, though. Chris is a busy guy, Charles is elusive, and I'm a yeti so I spend most of my time foraging and scratching.
Liked by:  Seb

how bad are defects?

Not sure what you're asking. If you're asking about the Fool's Gold yoyos, the issues are usually just a tiny bit of vibe, or an anodizing flaw. Minor stuff, but enough for it to be below our standards for full-priced product.
Liked by:  Seb

Should i buy a summit or wait for the puffin 2?

Depends what you like! Both are great, although I'm reaching for the Puffin 2 more often lately.
Liked by:  Seb

When will the gnarwal 2 be released? Also when is the next run for the wooly marmot 2?

Neither are scheduled right now...Bonfire and Puffin 2 are next!
Liked by:  Seb


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