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Will there be bvm2's, fools gold puffin 2's, or fools gold wooly marmot 2's soon?

Lotta Puffins, a few Marmots, no BvMs.
Liked by: Anthony

That leftover footage is sooo good! Just how?!

Charles goes outside every night and makes a promise to the moonlight. The gods look upon him and smile and say "yes, child" and give him magical voodoo hands.
Then he goes inside and practices for a really, really long time.
Liked by: Anthony

When you guys make another run of the yetis, will they have the same colors? Please make more gray yetis.

Yep, no color changes for the next batch of Yetis.
Liked by: Anthony

Well I can't try any of the three bonfire, WM2, or a gnarwhal 2 but I own a Chief (66g) and I absolutely love it.

TonyVillalobos’s Profile PhotoAnthony
If you own a Chief, you'll probably like the Bonfire best of those three. Gnarwhal and Marmot are both mid-to-undersized. If you want to stay in the same size range, get a Bonfire. If you want something that plays similar but smaller and faster, get a Gnarhwal. If you want something comfy and small with a little what what get a Marmot.
Liked by: Anthony

Have there ever been any colourways that you were pretty stoked on that never really seemed to pick up traction? Conversely, were there any that were experimental that really outperformed sales expectations?

Totally thought people were going to like Concrete Blizzard more than they did. Always surprised at the popularity of solid colors.
Liked by: Anthony

How big are the vibes for the fools gold? Noticeable by the sight or touch? Toss the one that are really bad?

It varies. If they're really bad we just toss 'em.
Liked by: Anthony

Very happy with my first clyw return top. Traded for a root beer avalanche puffin! So hyped!

Sweet! Enjoy!

What is going to be the next fools gold batch and when?

Watch bgradeyoyos.com for announcements. It's all on them, we are no longer handling this stuff at all.
Liked by: Anthony

The five or six FG bonfires going up onto Steve's site? Or are they just going to be sold at contests. Also where they FG 'cas of vibe or anno?

Yup, on bgradeyoyos.com. Mild vibe.
Liked by: Anthony

What should I get? a Bonfire, Gnawhal 2,or a Wooly Marmot 2? My birthday is coming up on June 12 and I got money to buy a new yoyo. I can't decide which one I want more. I want something that's stable and feels somewhat solid but also can play a bit fast and also have a GOOD GRINDING FINISH.

TonyVillalobos’s Profile PhotoAnthony
Bonfire is probably the most stable of those three? Hard to say what you'll like, and those three are so totally different from each other. Find some you can try!
Liked by: Anthony

I get why your yo-yos are expensive but why is the string expensive, 1$ per string?

It's custom string, made in really small batches. Not cheap, but it lasts a while!
Liked by: Anthony

It seems to me that yoyoing keeps the youthfulness alive in a person. Any thoughts on other youthful activities, like skateboarding, eating candy, being rambunctious?

We like skateboards and candy and being rambunctious.
Liked by: Anthony

What's the best string length for 5a?

Personal preference. Drew Tetz likes them long for big, slow wraps; Miguel Correa likes them short for fast reversals. Experiment!
Liked by: Dean Horneck Anthony


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