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Is the axle on the TiPeak steel or is it also Ti? I could not find an answer one way or another. Thanks again for everything guys!

The axle is steel. -Steve
Liked by: Evan

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Steve, thanks for posting both the Yeti shirt and the Yogi shirt, just snagged both! Super pumped, these were some of my favorite CLYW shirts ever made!

You're totally welcome. :) -Steve

Steve when are we gonna get a mini yoyo. Campfire 2? Even a new model would do! The people need a mini!

Chris and I have been talking about it! Just need to find the time for him to design it. -Steve

Not that it makes any difference, but someone asked me recent;y, Where was the Ti Peak made? I never could find a clear answer anywhere. Again, it does not matter, I LOVE that throw. Thanks again!

It was made in China, at the same factory that Luftverk normally uses. -Steve

How do you think of the idea of JOYC? Do you think there should have comtests like that in the US as well?

I didn't see much of anything from those contests, and didn't seem like many people turned up for them? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I do think we need more "non-system" contests, that don't seed to anything else. Stand-alone stuff. That's why André and I started up the Triple Crown, but then we kept having babies and it killed our summers for too long to maintain it. Whoops.
I really would love to fire up Triple Crown again, just hard to find time. I think rebooting it as a smaller 1A-Only contest, but still doing three events per year, would be pretty awesome. Just have to work it out with André and figure out how to get it started again with our increasingly busy schedules. -Steve

Do members of CLYW typically use Tall (1.5, fat and xl) kitty string or do most of them use regular length?

Mostly regular length. -Steve
Liked by: Nick

What happened to Issac? Is he okay? I noticed that he's no longer on the team and he deleted his instagram

He resigned from the team and is taking a break from yoyoing and social media. -Steve
Liked by: ca9wolf

Where can I buy that yeti shirt that hot pocket is wearing in that welcome to the team vid? Cause that shirt is fire!!! 🔥🔥🔥

We have a few left, mostly 2XL though. I'll get them counted and get them online today. -Steve

Same guy who asked the yogi Shirt question - medium or large

Got both. $8 + shipping if you want one. Email me thelodge@clyw.ca. -Steve

What's your all time favorite CLYW yoyo? Favorite all time non-CLYW yoyo?

Favorite CLYW - Sasquatch
Favorite non-CLYW - Heaven Sent Creep / YoYoFactory G5
(These answers will likely change the next time I'm asked lol) - Steve

Hey I've been yoyoing for almost four years , and I haven't really progressed as much as I want to. I'm going to practice as much more now since I have the tine to do so now since I'm out of school. How do I practice effectively and how do you stand out with all these great yoyoers around today? TY!

Every moves at their own speed...sometimes you just need a reboot, or a big dose of inspiration. My biggest leaps when I first started playing came from hanging out not with other yoyo players, but with other creatives in different fields. Jugglers, artists, sculptors, etc. Looking at their creations and then drawing parallels between what they were doing and what I was doing. Sometimes even just trying to approximate their creations but with a yoyo, just to see if I could get close.
Find what inspires you, inside or outside of yoyoing, and embrace it and make it your own. Also, stock up on string/bearings/pads for whatever you use the most so you never run out. -Steve
Liked by: Jacob Jeans

Please tell me we'll be getting some sort of WYYC recap vid.

Not sure if Alec is working on a video, but he just gave me a ton of photos he shot at the contest and we'll have a lookbook up soon on the website. -Steve

What was the reasoning behind the Ti Peak shipping with a flat bearing? I feel like something a little more premium would have fitted better

It was designed with a lot of the original Peak's play values in mind, and shipping with a flat bearing just felt appropriate to us. Thinks like the patch, the sticker, the wood insert...these are decisions we made with "premium quality" in mind. The flat bearing? That was totally nostalgia. :) -Steve
Liked by: Danny Yu

Anything new you can share on the fate of the Chief? With everyone jumping upon the same styles, trends and designs the Chief always stood apart as unique.

Leonard Hatred
No news at the moment, sorry. -Steve

wwhats difrence betwen foos gold and bgrades???

B-grades is what they are, Fool's Gold is what we call them. Every company has their own name for their b-grade product. Except YoYoFactory. They just call them B-Grades, but they were first so we all backed off that. -Steve

its been 2 days now of playing with my kayak pretty consistently and it is still responsive, what is wrong?

Drop me a line at thelodge@clyw.ca and we'll see if we can figure it out. -Steve

I am at a point where I have been in a total slump for about a month and cant think of any new combos or tricks, how do i get past this, any tips?

Switch styles. Play fixie. Whatever it is you're doing, try something completely different! -Steve
Liked by: Robin

did all fools gold in the past have markings to let it be known that they were fools gold or did some not?

Yep. It's changed a bit over the years, from plain text to fancy text to just the pickaxes, but they've always been marked. -Steve


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