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Would you ever do a grab-bag thing with return tops that are fg or sent back, like $75 and what you get is based on how much Steve likes you?

Nah. There isn't enough of that to make it worth the effort of putting it all together. -Steve

How about some grape Maideraide for the next batch of the blizzard?

Good call! I'll talk to Chris. -Steve

Which team members will be going to EYYC? And will CLYW throws be sold there?

Blog post coming later today with EYYC info! -Steve
Liked by: DA

I drank roughly a liter of coffee and its 12:00 am and I have a play tomorrow at 8:00 what do I do

Ride the burn. -Steve

Steve, will your children ever be interested in the yoyo world? If you don't mind me asking:)

No idea! Maybe. Mav & Trixie both know a few tricks....their interest in it comes and goes. Flora is obviously way too tiny, so it will be a few years before we know if she's into it. -Steve

Can Michael do a tutorial for one of his amazing slack tricks? Please.

Filip Jagiello
We tried to shoot a bunch of Cabin Tutorials with Michael and he totally got lost on the way there and didn't make it in time, lol. We'll get some done, eventually! -Steve

Congratulations on 100 Cabin Tutorials. Now how about some 5A tutorials from Petr? ;)

That's putting us into lawsuit territory. -Steve

What's the meaning behind the title "herding cats"?

You'll have to track Charles down and ask him. -Steve

Ever thought about posting the FG without telling anyone, or without an announcement?

Yeah. It tends to spread them around a little more, since it takes some time for word to spread. But the amount of angry FB comments we would get about it makes it really not worth it. At this point I'm pretty sure the only purpose of Facebook is to share Bernie Sanders memes and to complain about CLYW. Like, I don't think anything else happens there. -Steve

I have a question for Andrew, is he using kitty fat with his blizzard? what string is the rest of the team using with the blizzard? Thanks.

Brett Schoenewald
Fat Kitty, all across the board.
In fact, our team is now sponsored by Kitty String because that's all they ever asked for. Sweet! -Steve
Liked by: Tyler Hackett

Do you recommend lube the big dipper ?

Yes, we recommend a single drop of a light lube (NOT Thin Lube, that stuffs actually cleans your bearing). Something like 3-in-1 oil or sewing machine oil works great. Just a drop. -Steve

Can I have that shoebox with the bad yoyos? I'll give you some maple syrup... :>

Nope. Sorry, peanut. -Steve

I am thinking about going to Canadian nats this year but its will be my first contest that I am attending. will the CLYW team be there?

I'll be there, Harrison Lee will be there...and I think that's it for CLYW team. But we're pretty alright guys, ha ha. -Steve

A question about "snow tires" response pad. White and aqua, which has a stronger response feel?

The only difference is color. -Steve

Hey Steve, would you say that tricks/routines are trending towards being slower and more technical? If so, is this good for young players? Thanks in advance!

When I first started playing, you had regional flavors. The East Coast kids didn't build tricks like the West Coast kids, and the Europeans always held their hands higher and the Japanese played from the waist, and you could always sort of tell where a player learned.
Once YouTube blew up, styles became homogenized. You could suddenly learn from anyone and everyone, so what used to be regional markers in play style just became stylistic elements to be picked up or discarded based on taste rather than geography.
Now everyone just chases the winners. So I guess if tricks are going to be trending towards anything, they are going to trend towards last year's champions. Although I think most people have realized at this point that no one can win with Zach's tricks except Zach, because hardly anyone can do Zach's tricks, so I've noticed that his style doesn't get aped as much as Gentry's which is more accessible and open for other players to learn. Which is another reason, I think, for Gentry's overwhelming success, but that's a whole other topic. ('sup Gentry. See you in Cleveland.)
But anyway, I think right now tricks are just a mish mosh, with a few elements (hooks) sitting at the top while everyone waits to see what happens at Worlds 2016. Then we'll see a fresh boost of whatever style of tricks win there, and then it will die down again in 6 months while everyone waits and preps for Worlds 2017. -Steve

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