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i need a good comeback for people who laugh when i mess up my trick

Or you could do what I do and just ignore them. I've found it works like a charm. -Steve
Liked by: DA Paulo

Any Avalanches / Arctic Circle 2s coming up in the Blizzard / Blizzard Splash / Iceberg colorways?

You'll find out when we announce colors for 'em. ;) -Steve

Are there any solid color wm2s in this run? Also any bgrade for wm2s?

We'll have Solid Gold in this batch of Wooly Marmot 2s. -Steve
Liked by: DA

any plans on updating the website?

We're actually working on an entirely new website. Although we have been updating the blog pretty frequently.
What specifically are you hoping we update? -Steve
Liked by: Jacob Jeans DA

Hey CLYW, I got a WM2 (and I love it btw) but now I'm ready to move on to a more "competition" based throw. The WM2 Spin time just doesnt cut it for long combos (but its great at regens) and it feels sort of "out of control". BASICALLY: What other throw you guys have thats solid but just as fast?

Advance Scout. It's not getting a lot of love online, but the people who have one all agree that it's a competition monster. -Steve

What order are your next runs of return tops going to be sold in?

Wooly Marmot 2 will be the next thing available, and I think Sasquatch and Puffin in solid colors will come out possibly at the same time, or shortly after. We had a lot of stuff get backed up at the anodizer, so now it's all finishing up at the same time, which is sort of insane. CLYW APOCALYPSE! -Steve
Liked by: Jacob Jeans DA

Does Oregon State University have a yo-yo club? Sorry about the random question, I know Aaron Davis is there and I've been looking to go there next year for college

I have absolutely no idea...sorry! -Steve
Liked by: Jaeho Kim

Orca ETA? Also is there anyone on your team who plays really fast instead of slow and flowing?

1. Being assembled now.
2. Yes.

I've been wondering this for so long. What brand of socks does Chuck wear in the cabin tutorials and where can I get hooked up with them?

no specific brand or store, i just buy em when i see em and they are dope. - Charles
Liked by: aaron bendich DA


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