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I hate my friend he went on my messages and told two of my guy friends that I have a crush on them and they don't believe it was him has something like that ever happened to you steve

No, because I have no shame. -Steve

FG Scout vs FG AC2 what should i get for a first CLYW

Either of those are great choices. Get the one with the specs that you dig. -Steve

What's the name of the color way that's a light blueish gray with orange speckle?

I believe it's "Orange Blizzard". -Steve

Hey could I get a list of and link to all the CLYW cartoons? I just read the one where the Dirtbag Yeti tries the Avalanche. It was awesome. I know more exist but cannot find them. So please. Could I have the Link.

Bhargav Sharma
Working on getting these back up on the new site soon. Sorry about that. -Steve

When you have to drop FGs, what surface do you prefer to drop them on? Mine is a carpet made of sasquatch fur, but I suppose yeti fur would suffice as well.

I like to drop them in a pan of lasagna. -Steve
Liked by: Felipe Tascon DA

Kitty string normal vs fat? Idk if I can tell the difference when I got them a year ago but maybe I can tell a difference now. and any thoughts on 1.5 nylon?

Totally a matter of preference. There is no "vs" here, it's all just what appeals to you and works with your style. I haven't tried the 1.5 nylon. -Steve

would the gnarwhal 2 be a good first yoyo

Like, very first return top ever? Or first CLYW return top?
First return top, get a YoYoFactory One or a YoYoFactory FAST 201.
First CLYW return top, get a Chief. -Steve

What color yeti??(it means we don't know last released yeti's color) maybe purple green grey blue?

Yes. The same four colors as last time. The only four colors we've ever run, besides black (which was only released once). -Steve

How does the scout play differently from the chief?

How does milk chocolate taste differently from dark chocolate? -Steve

What other type of materials have yoyos been same from besides wood plastic titanium and aluminum?

First return tops were made of terra cotta. -Steve

What color yeti will release?? I don't know the latest release yeti's color.. i want to know

Same as last time. -Steve


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