

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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Im the one who said he was gutted. I was able to snag both colors, THANKS SO MUCH! <3 <3 <3

Thanks for the support!!

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I don't mean to nitpick. I'm so just so pumped. I just ordered a FG Tundra in electric green. I was just wondering if you could elaborate on the vibe? For instance, how does it compare to the OG yeti vibe? I have one and find it to be quite manageable. I find my igloo to be just as vibey sometimes.

The vibe on these is pretty minimal, and they're all about the same. You don't feel it on the string, but you notice it on grinds. Mine smoothed out a little with some wiggling during assembly and a few knocks on concrete ha ha. -Steve
Liked by: Joseph Wong

What's are the differences between the original Avalanche released in 2010 and the redesign from 2012?

Just some tweaks to weight distribution that smoothed out the way it plays. -Steve

Im wondering whether to jump on the tundras or not...how great is the the vibe according to you from a scale from 1-10?

It's like a 3, I guess? More than I would pass for production purposes but not enough to keep me from playing with it. -Steve

steve, did you get my email about my new video for yoyonews?

Andy Riley
Hey Andy! Please stick to emailing me at info@yoyonews.com for YoYoNews stuff. Thanks! -Steve

Is there a yoyo that can't slow down when needed? I now there are yoyos that tend to be nimble, but I think that most of the playability is 95% up to the player.

There is nothing in our line that is going to fight your ability to control it. -Steve

When will the banana hammocks ship?

Started processing orders a few minutes ago, everything will ship tomorrow! -Steve

Two for Steve: -What's in your punk rock rotation right now? -Who's the second most punk rock yoyoer out there?

1. PUP, Jawbreaker, Ted Leo & the Pharmacists, Fugazi, Army of Ponch, and Stiff Little Fingers.
2. Mark McBride.

Is the yoyo used in the Pool Party shirt a Hypnotic fade Banana Hammock?

It's a prototype in the CLYW colorway Lime Sherbet. -Chris


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