

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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I know it's kinda early to ask but will Tessa get a signiture? the transcend sold very well so please!?

Yes, it's kinda early. -Steve

Steve what do you think of using rap music as a contest song?

I think you should use whatever you want. -Steve

Steve, stop thinking about fools gold throws as something you're losing money on and start thinking about it more like that it's a perfect alternative to make CLYW more affordable to people who can not afford one instead, please.

If our "perfect alternative" requires us to lose money, then we're basically sinking our company in order to save you a few bucks. -Steve
Liked by: GN Yoyo Co

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will you guys be at Cal states?

We'll have players there for sure. Not sure if we will have a table, though. -Steve

Are you guy ever going to make a offstring yoyo because if you did that would be legit

We talked about it at one point. In fact, we were talking to YoYoJam about doing one as a collaboration. For us to pay for the mold and have to deal with minimum order quantities is just waaaaay more than we can handle. We're too small of a company, and offstring is too small of a market niche. But having YoYoJam handle the tooling and molding would have made it possible for us. But that door is closed now (RIP YYJ) so it's off the table for the time being. -Steve

What's the different between the kinds of kitty string like Normal or Fat or xl etc.. ?

Thickness and/or length. -Steve

I am fairly new to the scene. I was wondering whether going to wyyc (ill be near cleveland at that time so might be able to make it) would be worth it. I dont know anyone and will be going alone. Dont want to stand around in a corner...how was your first competition?

A contest is always a good time, and a contest this big is going to be great. You'll show up alone and leave with dozens of new friends. Definitely worth showing up! -Steve
Liked by: Jacob Jeans

I just found out that orca with the dolphin symbol is not laser engraving right? I can see the raw colour of the yoyo is pretty cool!!!

Yes, that is laser engraving. The laser burns the anodizing off the return top and exposes the raw aluminum below. -Steve

Is Palli's new signature (Will it be called Puffin 3?) going to be relased in summer or in this year?

No idea. The design still isn't finished yet. -Steve

What offstring yoyo do you use?

For the 3 times a year that I play offstring, I use a YoYoFactory Flight. -Steve

Does the free shipping(> $100) still apply as of today?

Free shipping on CLYW.ca is all the time (for orders over $100 to US or Canada). -Steve

Will there be more maiderade runs of the blizzard? Was at work and miss out on the launch :(

Yep! -Steve

When will you make the next run of Borelias and will you make cool colors like Jack Rabit ?

Not scheduled. -Steve

Don't you find it funny that people really hype your yoyos but really hate your machine shop? What they say: I hope you guys have another FG drop. What they actually say: I hope your machine shop screws up so you'll have to lose money by selling yoyos as b-grades!

Yeah. I'm honestly really close to just deleting all FG questions here. It's such a time suck for something we lose money on. :( -Steve


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