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in the summit documentary we saw how the summit was made, how did that lathe thing work? also what was that liquid it sprayed?

Do a Google search for "CNC lathe". There's a TON of information out there. Fascinating stuff! -Steve

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why do we use aluminum for yoyos, why not just use plastic and wood, what makes aluminum the best one

Aluminum offers superior weight distribution and strength, as well as far greater consistency. Wood and plastic are both weaker materials with really inconsistent density. -Steve

Order of next couple runs? Colorways? Will we see anything cool? Oh yea how do I buy BBB. Directly from you guys?

Hard to say...we have several runs all piled up at the anodizer right now. No idea what will finish first! -Steve

do you have the link to the yoyonews article about the guy who is running a startup for a create your own yoyo thing, i think it was the creator of 3a?

Go to YoYoNews, and search for it. That's exactly what I would have to do to find the article for you, and I'm pretty sure you can do that for yourself. Search for "Riot Mouse Kickstarter". -Steve
Liked by: Dean Horneck

Tell us some ano horror stories?

Ano problems don't really make for good stories...it's very dull. What happens is you send off a batch of return tops to have them anodized, and then when they come back the anodizing has left build up on the bearing seat or axle well that causes vibe. Or there are flaws in the color, like big voids. Then we look at all the parts, scream, tear our hair out, cry a little, and then realize that we now have anywhere from 150 - 300 return tops that we can't sell at regular price, thus screwing us out of money that we need to sponsor contests and buy plane tickets for our team or (ideally) draw a paycheck for ourselves.
It's a horror story alright, but not a thrilling one. -Steve

2014 sasquatch vs Bonfire?

It's not a competition. They're both fantastic. Bonfire is a little faster, Sasquatch is a little more stable. -Steve

Any idea what colorway the marmot (2nd from left) is? The rest are Wolverine, but I've never seen this before. No FG markings... Is it a custom job perhaps? Thanks! https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8626/15258620894_227c6bd1f3.jpg

Not sure, but it's totally possible that it's just a weird version of the Wolverine. Anodizing is not a perfect science, and it's pretty common for colorways to turn out different every time. I could tell you some horror stories, ha ha. -Steve

I finally got my Ninja Hurdles AC back! A 5th grader stole my return top a couple weeks ago when I was doing a talent show in school lol

Whoa! Glad you got it back! -Steve
Liked by: Adam E Brewster

What's the story behind the canvas i new to the game an wasn't around for them. All the different art work is really neat I like it

It was designed by Chris and Jensen, and the goal was for it to be a platform both for Jensen's tricks and his art as well as art from others. That big, flat area was meant to serve as a canvas for a variety of artists, and it did. -Steve

Hello! Which are, in your opinion, the floatiest of your return tops?

To me, it's the Chief and the Puffin 2. Opinions do vary, though. -Steve

Are you planning on doing any video contests in the future?

In the future, sure. In the very short term future (like in the next month), probably not. -Steve
Liked by: Jacob Jeans


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