

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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what happened to the fools gold wooly marmot 2's that were going to go up at the last release?

They disappeared to team and friends before the sale happened. There were only three of them.

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Who makes your slackline string and, of course, what are you (re)releasing next?

Slackline string is made by baby yetis in the tree next door.
Next release: more Wooly Marmot 2!
Liked by: Anthony

will there be any more bipbop or ashberry kendamas in the future

Probably not...although there might be more collab kendamas in other colorways. We'll see!
Liked by: Anthony

can a poor silicon job cause a return top to vibe?

Probably not, but it can definitely make it grabby or bind like crap.
Liked by: Anthony

Would you ever sponsor a 4a player?

We don't have anything to offer them. Wouldn't be the best idea...for us or for them.
Liked by: Anthony

What kind of 10 ball bearings are you using, and wasn't Charles supposed to get a signature yoyo last year

We're using a new one that YoYoExpert helped us source from China.
Still working on a signature for Charles.
Liked by: Anthony

Hey. Here in the Czech Republic it so that someone who does not have anything from CLYW immediately has a lower level of respect in our community. I just wanted to say that your yoyos have a devastating impact on our community. So send here big batch of them. Whether everyone can buy one.

We're super proud of our return tops, but they aren't meant to be a "status symbol".
So let's just put this to rest: there are plenty of absolutely amazing people and players who don't use our return tops and may not even own any. We're totally cool with that.
Liked by: Anthony


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