

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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I need to vent: You guys aren't bending to my every whim. You treat what you do more like art than production. I mean, why can't you just bend over backwards and make everyone happy all the time. You're acting like you're real people fer cry in' out loud!

Yeah, sorry about that.
Liked by: Anthony

In terms of collab projects there is the wooly markmont, the galactic goose, the h5xchief, and the summit. Am I missing any? And are there plans for more collabs in the future?

...and the Black Bip Bop Kendamas coming soon from Mr. Sourmash and DealWithItSF!

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CLYW, i own a Puffin 2 and a Summit, and WOW! you guys are really good at making return tops! i love everything about it! it plays and feels PERFECT!! thank you CLYW, You guys are the best

Liked by: Anthony

What can I do about my Bonfire having a little *VIBE*? It's a third run and the minimal problem I have is *VIBE* on the string it feels wobbly or rough feeling. You can't see the yoyo shaking (just looks normal) should I remove the axle and put it back on and tighten it with my YYF tool? Tune it?

Pretty hard to diagnose without seeing it and playing with it. See what you can do to tune it out, but if you're unhappy, best bet is to contact the store you bought it from and they'll help you out.
Liked by: Anthony

Ive had my eye on a summit for awhile and i was wondering if you do the splash paint job anymore

Ask One Drop...they're the ones that make that call.
Liked by: Anthony

I had to take my yeti apart because the bearing needed a cleaning in doing so i had to remove the spacers from the yeti. after i got the yeti all together it had a bit of wobble to it. I've tried the tips in the yeti video. It doesn't bother me really but, if you had another ideas I'd appreciate it

Make sure that the spacers are flush in the gap, and make sure the bearing is fully snapped in to the spacers. Beyond that, sometimes things are just "off", and you can remedy it by taking it apart and putting it back together a few times.
Liked by: Anthony


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