

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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my return top started to make a louder noise than it usually does, i put some lube in the bearing but it still has that noise, I've only had it for 2 days! what do i do?

Not sure...try a different bearing, maybe?
Liked by: Anthony

do you have any plans to pick up any new team members soon

We never "plan" to pick up new team members...it just happens when we find someone who happens to be both a perfect fit for our family, plus available and interested.
Liked by: Anthony

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How long does It usually take for the bearings to become unresponsive in clyw yoyos?

Depends on how hard you throw, how often you play, etc. If it's taking too long, hit it with a drop or two of mineral spirits or lighter fluid or some other solvent. Just be careful, keep any solvents away from your skin, and remember that a clean bearing is going to crunch out and die faster than a lubed bearing. If you insist on cleaning your bearing, I personally recommend adding one single drop of a super light machine oil after cleaning...sewing machine oil or 3-in-1 oil works great.

do you suffer form full blown yeti insanity? ........this fool's gold AC2 is a dream i cant actually find anything wrong with it at all :)

Glad you're enjoying it!
Liked by: Anthony

Have you ever thought off making a color way with images instead of splashes I know it would be expensive but I think it would be innovative and very much appreciated by the way love you guys keep up the great work and beautiful return tops

Not really our style, but thanks for the suggestion!
Liked by: Anthony

Any advice for freestyles for a contest?

Practice, practice, practice. Also, try to cut out all the filler. Any thing that doesn't actively score, just get rid of it. Keep your transitions tight and scoring, and don't do that "wave for applause" thing.
Liked by: Anthony

I've been struggling with depression for a while now and your return tops help a lot

Wow. That really just blows me away! So glad we could offer you a tool to help yourself...keep it up!

Does yeti prefer a ctx or a flat 10 ball in his return tops?

CTX. A lot of people seem to have a problem with them being responsive to start, but I prefer it.
Liked by: Anthony

Hey guys,recently I got a chance to try my friends Chief and the Sasquatch,both played like a beast,it didnt snagged in my tricks,It's floaty and suits my style of play,and it'sreally smooth,especially the Chief,it's now the best return I've ever tried,thanks guys for making these epic return tops!

ThatJonathanSitangganOverThere’s Profile PhotoJonathan Sitanggang
Liked by: Anthony Matt Z

You call this Fools Gold? I compared it with my Red w/ Clear splash Bonfire and the only difference was that the FG had one tiny smudge. And the red w/clear had dirty light circles. If anything the red w/clear splash is FG. But I really enjoy my FG bonfire. Thanks!

You're welcome!
CLYW return tops are an expensive, premium item, so we're pretty picky about what goes out the door. Our Fools Gold stuff is usually 99% perfect, but there's just one. little. thing. that won't let us sell it for full price in good conscience.


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