

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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Three questions - I saw you browse massdrop for pen geeking. What are you carrying/using now? If it's a fountain pen, what's your go-to ink(s)? I love that your return tops are made in N America. It's one of the many reasons I love your stuff. Why not have your Kendamas made in Canada too?

My main carry is a Fisher Space Pen. It's exactly the same length as the Swiss Army knife I've been carrying for the past whole lot of years. But I've recently gotten interested in fountain pens so I've started my long, slow hunt.
We don't have kendamas made in Canada because no one wants a $100+ kendama from CLYW. ;) -Steve
Liked by: Felipe Tascon

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That fella who ask for discount ontop of a discount... you must be a troll right?

Or just someone who doesn't understand how business works. It's ok. Most people don't. -Steve

Wait! You're telling me that even though you're already taking a massive hit on these heavily discounted return tops you won't give me an even bigger discount for taking advantage of these fantastic deals!? Ridiculous. I thought you cared about your customers.

*slow clap*

If we buy multiple FG return tops, will there be some sort of a discount?

They're already half the price of regular return tops. -Steve

Wait, so is the yeti 2.0 a thing? And is it gonna happen?

Eventually, yes. Not for a while, though. -Steve



What yo-yo does Maider normally use / what is his signature?

At BAC he used a Maiderade Orca. We're working on a signature return top for him, but it won't be done for a while. -Steve

Is yoyo/return top quality x/y/z? Is it better than yoyo/return top x/y/z? Will person x/y/z getting a signature soon? Yeti release by month/date x? FG release by month/date x? Will yoyo x/y/z in colorway x be in the FG release? How much will yoyo/return top cost? Player x/y/z favorite string?

Yes. -Steve
Liked by: Anthony

If you put an item into your cart is it reserved for a certain amount of time?

No idea, sorry. -Steve

How fast, based on past FG drops, do you thinj the Ash Berry AC2s will run out? Jack Rabbit AC2s? 28 Stories AC2s?

No idea, sorry. -Steve

Any guess as to how fast the FGs will sellout? I'm getting my mom to buy one because I'm working, but I'm starting to worry she won't be fast enough.

I think they'll all sell in a few hours. There is always a rush right at the beginning but then the last of them take a while to trickle out. This is the biggest batch we've ever dropped at once though, so I hope there are enough for everyone. -Steve

do you know if the 6065 summit will be restocked soon? or does one drop usually restock the summits?

No idea, that's totally up to @onedropyoyos. They're moving their shop though, so might take a minute. I know there's a batch of the 7 Summits on the way to retailers now, though. -Steve

Can you please tell me that which is the most flotiest. Most solid. Most fast. Most stable. Between ac2 wooly marmot 2 puffin 2 and scout.

Scout is probably the most stable. All the rest of your criteria are pretty much completely a matter of opinion, so it depends on your own tastes and preferences.
The CLYWmparison tool might help you compare them, though: http://www.clyw.ca/pages/clywmparison


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