

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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I think Im the scene at Ottawa;) no the reason I say that is that I have not seen anybody MODERN yoyo ever so it gets kinda lonely when I'm in my basement yoyoing so I've been trying to find contests near me but it seems like the only contests are in the west (Vancouver etc.)

Start a club! Put out flyers or ads on kijiji or meetup. Post in the forums asking about other Yoyoers in Ottawa. You are no the only one. I am sure there are more or people who would be interested in joining. - Chris

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Chris you should make a yoyo called the BEAVER!!! Because beavers are a part of our Canadian history and beavers are amazing!!!!

What flows with Beaver? Beaver Bob? Beaver Spin Fire? Ya I'm not feeling it yet. - Chris

Charles, can you please make a tutorial for some of the tricks in august blueprint (yeti) thanks!!!

I'll ask him. - Chris

Why CLYW yoyos are expensive?

Because they cost a lot to manufacture and anodize. If we went with standard keystone for every stage of our pricing they would be even more expensive. To cut corners we would have to find all new manufacturers and we haven't found an anodizer that can do fancy colors or a manufacturer that can meet OD's quality.
We also invest a lot of $$$ into our team and sponsor a lot of contests, so that is also a factor as well. If we had to drop our prices any more we would have to greatly reduce the size of our team and stop helping our top players get to contests. Charles would prob have to find a new job, so there would be no videos. Gosh might as well just down the company then, eh? - Chris

Are you going to release some stuff for the holidays coming up quickly here?

We have a lot of releases coming up. Nothing themed, like no turkey engraving or anything. But we have plenty of release coming. - Chris
Liked by: Kial Hocker

Do you personally like Nest from SLUSNY? It's one of my fav throws and i want to now your opinion. :)

I think it's a really really great throw! - Chris

if you stacked all the return tops yo have every made, how high would the stack go?

At least 3.000ft. Woah!! - Chris

Will you do any giveaways any time soon

Yes are going to run a IG contest soon. Steve and I are just working out he details. - Chris
Liked by: Sean Ng

Any thoughs on Yoyoworkshop? They seem to be extremely similar to CLYW - down to the packaging, box art, and colorways.

I will have to look them up. Never heard of them. - Chris

Which yoyo, in your opinion, is the best yoyo?

G&E1 it changed my life. Got me hooked and I learned so many tricks on it. Stills beats the snot out of most throws coming out these days. - Chris
Ps: or the Countach ... Gosh that thing is heavenly. I would seriously pay $500 for one. Sonny psssssst pssssst!!!!

Hey Chris, is there a simple trick that you have never been able to do? Everyone has one.

It took me 4 years to learn boing-e-boing. Seriously. But today I forgot a Yuuki trick that I have been doing for prob 9 years now. The muscle memory let me down :( Wish I could do pop and fresh smooth (sp?). Just can't do it. Or superman or candy rain. Sorry for letting you down. - Chris
Liked by: Dean Horneck

I can't decide between a bonfire or markmont classic. I really want a bonfire but the classic is cheaper but the bonfire is so cool but the markmont is just so awesome

Can't go wrong with either. Honestly that Markmont Classic is soooooooo good. I want to get an orange one and a black one. Prob one of my fav throws of 2014, well the one Mark let me try at IYYC was. Not sure if that was the final one though. Depends on the shape and feel you are looking for MM is all round and floaty. The BF will be your best friend and is more angled, but still floaty and fun.- Chris

On Petr Kavka's bio page, there is a picture of a yoyo (the cliff I think) with a colorway that looks very similar to confetti. What colorway is that?

It's confetti but looks a little more orange from the IG filter. - Chris
Liked by: Kial Hocker


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