

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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Whose the first CLYW yoyo player?

This guy! Lots of people don't realize it, but Chris isn't just an ultra-handsome guy who can design the best return tops on the planet...he's actually a heck of a return top player.

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what does the team do when they are not doing any clyw stuff, like what do they study or work?

We plug them into a charging station, where they remain dormant until called upon to once again wreak havoc on a contest, or possibly save the planet.

Do you like the OG Avalanche or Comeback Avalanche more?

Comeback! Some small refinements made it a much better return top.

What happened to hadden?

No idea, but he kinda went off the rails and is no longer affiliated with us in any way.

why Harrison look like 6 years old??

He eats healthy, exercises, and moisturizers. HE'LL OUTLIVE US ALL.

Will you ever make another plastic yoyo?

No idea. It doesn't feel like we're done with the Yeti just yet, but we're open to the idea.
Liked by: Anthony

CLYW Beach Hats, please? Not into the hyped New Era/Snapbacks/5Panels. :/

Not working on any hats right now, but we'll keep it in mind. :)

Earlier today I saw you released 4 cabin tutorials and some other clips. I'm assuming they weren't meant to be uploaded lol. Anyways that clip title jr was pretty sick. Is that a new video teaser?! ;)

Our YouTube account had a panic attack over the sheer volume of awesomeness, and tried to make all our secret videos public. We had to punch it right in the tubes to make it settle down. A few of you got a peek, but the world is not ready!

Do you plan on releasing any more AC2s or Summits in Jack Rabbit?

Direct your Summit questions to One Drop...they can answer them better than we can!
People seem to be loving on the Jack Rabbit, so while we don't have more AC2s scheduled, I'm sure the next run will have some Jack Rabbits.

People keep telling me that I should become a pro yoyo player. I know as of know I'm not ready in terms of talent. But, what do you look for in acquiring a new player on your team?

We look for someone that makes us sit up and take notice. Someone who seems like a long-lost brother or sister.
CLYW is very much a family, and there has to be an immediate emotional connection before we'll even consider your skill or contest placings. Everything is important, but first and foremost we have to feel like we wanna be related to you. I know that sounds kind of silly and vague, but that's just how we roll.
CLYW: Silly and vague.
Liked by: Sara D'Amato Matthew

I have a question. Can you guys do a collaboration with one drop again or yoyo factory or squarewheelsyoyocompany(please collab with square wheels)? That would be awesome

Collaborations are a HUGE deal to us, so we don't jump in to them lightly. The Summit is still doing well, and we don't want to take anything away from that. Maybe we'll just have to do a collaboration of some other kind next...

How does chuck get ideas for his tricks? I have a hard time creating my own but chuck seems to be so diverse and good

Well thanks for the compliment dude.
I really just mess around. I look at the string as a playground and often I'm curious and explore. Return Topping doesn't have to be a creative outlet though, that seems to be what interests me, but do whatever is fun for you with the toy! Allot of people play guitar just for the sound and the feeling they get; not everyone has to write new songs.
Liked by: Steve Brown


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