

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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This one is for Puffin, how do you fly so crazy fast? And do you want to have a pizza party?

Puffin always loves a pizza party! And he flies so fast because he's powered by pizza!

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Is there ketchup and dill pickle chips in Canada? We don't have it in the USA but when we visit our cousins from Canada we spend 60$ on the chips and bring it back here.

I think you just answered your question. ;)

Do you think you guys will make more camo yoyos?? That colorway is AWESOME

Yeah, they did turn out pretty cool didn't they? Maybe!
Liked by: Anthony

what is for you better bonfire, gnarwhal or puffin??

Bonfire is great if you want full-sized and super stable. Puffin is stable but smaller and faster. Gnarwhal is a great all-arounder, and really good for super technical 1A.

Can you please pass the salt?

Yes but you'll have to wait till I'm done using it. And I really like pouring salt over everything slowly.
Liked by: Dale Anthony

can i clean my bearings using a qtip and mineral spirits

Yup. Although I think just water is fine. Hot water at that, as long as you properly dry and then lube your bearing afterwards. I have used mineral spirits before but personally I try to avoid chemicals. - Chuck

Can you guys please make more reverse hulk (purple with green splash) return tops? I would LOVE to see it on the Wooly Marmot 2!!!

mmmme. This is not my area but I will poke the right person. - Chuck
Liked by: Anthony

Can you guys make a Bonfire sticker and a Chief sticker so that I can put them on my yoyo case. BTW CLYW is my favorite yoyo brand.

Thanks! No answer for you yet but this will be noted.
Liked by: Matt Z Anthony

Have you ever completely stopped yoyoing / take a break for a while and come back to it later?

I've always played in waves. Sometimes half a day, sometimes nothing for a week or two. I think it's health to take breaks every now and then, gotta find balance and not burn out on something.
Liked by: Matt Z Anthony

just as a curious inquiry, would you, coming from kind of a business perspective, allow your team members to throw old discontinued throws? Like would you be ok if they wanted to compete with a peak or a bassalope, throws that don't really help promote current run return tops?

Sure, although I'd be pretty amazed if they chose one of those over the more current models. The new stuff really just plays so much better!
Liked by: Anthony

When will there be a new wave of fool's golds or the 2014 lineup? I sadly missed the last release.

Not for a few months at least.
Liked by: Anthony

how do you do a freeze like jensen did? in bac for the swaggy spinny bit

Leave some string unwound and yank it HARD. Should snag nicely and still pop out an unwind when you're ready.

My wooly marmot from the last run always played very grabby out of the box to the point were it couldnt be played. after changing out the response twice and putting in a concave bearing to keep the string away from the pads I still get the same issue. Do the pads not fit? Should I put in flowable?

Contact the store you bought it from. I can't fix it (or even guess the problem) via computer.

My Yeti is vibing pretty hard. I did everything in the assemble video but doesn't work, any more tips?

Email us at thelodge@clyw.ca.
Liked by: Anthony

when and how should i change response pads

When your binds get loose, change your pads. They're just adhesive on the back, so use a toothpick or tweezers or something to pry them up and peel them off. Then just peel the backing off your new pads and fit them in. Pretty simple.
Liked by: Anthony


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