

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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if I have a bonfire and I find not as stable as I want it should I get a puffin or a ac2?

Puffin 2 seems to be a really popular choice for competitors, although honestly all three models you listed are pretty stable.
Liked by: Anthony

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Can't decide.. Arctic circle 2 or puffin 2.. Which do you prefer?

Tough call. They're both currently in my "return tops I keep within arms reach of my computer" pile.
If you want something full-size, go AC2. If you want something just a hair smaller, go Puffin 2.
Liked by: Kial Hocker

What is the deal with hulk smash? Is it more rare? Less done than other colors in the same run?

It's a slightly less common colorway for us, but not by that much. It's just a really popular one. Maybe we should just run more. ;)
Liked by: Anthony

Besides YoYoExpert, which yoyo store is popular in NA?

Hard to say. We've noticed that a lot of players have almost no loyalty when it comes to price shopping for return tops, which is kind of a bummer. There are at least eight online yoyo stores in North America that I can think of immediately. We only do business with two.
Liked by: Anthony

Do you ever think about doing runs of retired throws for fun?

It's crossed our minds, but we have too many ideas for new stuff to let the company slide backwards.
Liked by: Anthony Paulo

Does Solidworks come with a built-in rendering engine? If not, what do you like to use? I find that Fusion360 renders quickly and beautifully.

You have to pay extra for it with Solidworks. I'll have to try Fusion360, thanks!
(from Chris)
Liked by: Anthony

I'm confused which one is a clyw production the scout or the nest?

The Scout is a CLYW production.
The Nest is something that Petr designed for Slusny to produce themselves...since he's a local player and works closely with Slusny, Vashek asked Petr to design something for them to produce as their "in-house" return top.
CLYW has nothing to do with it. It's a pretty nice return top, though.
Liked by: Anthony


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