

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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If you could only use one yoyo for the rest of you life what would it be?

No sooner will I have answered this question than Chris will come up with something amazing that changes my mind. -Steve

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When you said that the first run of the big dipper was three colours...did you mean like all of them on the same yoyo????:D

No, I mean there will be three different colors available. -Steve

Hey steve! do you do other stuff besides yoyos in terms of making a living? if yes-what? Love your work, the entire clyw team is a huge inspiration to me! :D

Besides CLYW and YoYoNews, I also run this webstore: http://www.bindlewood.com. The artists are good friends of mine and live down the street, and I help them with merch production and deal with all customer service and fulfillment for their online store.
I used to do a lot more...lots of freelance writing, press releases, copy editing, and email marketing. Cut way back on everything but my three main gigs so that I would have more time to focus on return top related stuff, like NYYL and Worlds. -Steve
Liked by: Felipe Tascon DA

what all collaborations have you guys done? which one was the most rewarding?

will there still be an ohio state yoyo contest for 2016 or will worlds just take its place?

Yep, there will be a 2016 Ohio States and Colin Beckford will be the lead organizer. I'll still be helping out, but Colin is taking the lead on this one since I'll be just a little busy. ;) -Steve
Liked by: Robin Stricklin

Who from clyw is coming to Canadian nats?

Not confirmed yet. Almost positive that Harrison will be there, and I'm actually hoping to make it! Chris might be there depending on his schedule. -Steve
Liked by: Robin Stricklin

How does the Borealis play in comparison to the Chief and which one should I get as my first CLYW return top?

Borealis is more stable and longer spinning than the Chief, but doesn't quite have the same level of "I can't even feel it on the string" float that the Chief has. Borealis has a very different feel in the hands, and plays more like the new new, while the Chief is like a comfy old pair of sneakers that fit just right. -Steve
Liked by: Jacob Jeans DA


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