

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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I know you have gotten lots of questions on when the Yeti will be released, but my question is about how much will they cost. Can you give an estimate or a "between this and that" answer? Thanks

Not sure yet, but probably in the $50 - $60 range. -Steve
Liked by: GN Yoyo Co

I personally am not a big fan of the new yoyo news mobile site layout. It cuts out half of every photo on the site... Can that be fixed?

It only cuts the photos in the slider...the photos everywhere else are fine.-Steve
I personally am not a big fan of the new yoyo news mobile site layout It cuts

Steve have you guys ever thought of doing a Yoyo news app that would be great!

Yeah...I was working on one for a little while, but then our theme developer optimized our theme for mobile and I decided that the mobile version of the site looked better than the app I was working on. -Steve

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Are those silver colored axles the same as the black ones from previous CLYW throws? Any reason for the switch?

Suppliers send different colors sometimes. Doesn't affect anything. -Steve

could you please release some solid grayish blue colorways? The most prominent ones ive seen of the sort were from the first run chief (i think), first run canvas and the AC2 zach used for nats last year

Hey-o! Releasing tomorrow, Zach Edition Bonfires!
could you please release some solid grayish blue colorways The most prominent

Does Al Cass trumpet oil work as thin lube, it has a viscosity of 3.73 compared to water's 1 cSt

I have no idea. But I know that very thin oils work just fine. Just don't use more than a tiny drop. -Steve
Liked by: Anthony

Any plans for future models more optimized for finger spings (ie either no nub of any kind in the middle or possibly even with small rounded area in the hub like some return tops)

Nothing planned, but that doesn't mean it won't happen. -Steve
Liked by: Anthony

Why don't you guys sell Slackline in 100 packs?

Because with Slackline, the price doesn't go down for larger quantities. It's really time intensive to make, so if you really want 100, just buy 10 packs of 10...it'll be the same price. -Steve

Would you ever consider painted yoyos, even a small run? Obviously no peak logo, that'd ruin the integrity. But painted nonetheless. Maybe for the tenth anniversary?

Wouldn't rule it out for the 10th Anniversary, but we haven't really made any plans for that yet. -Steve
Liked by: Anthony

This isn't a yoyo question but I'm curious on what chris, chuck, and Steve think of this. Remember those old duncan silicone stickers that were super thin and used in the screaming eagle series? What if you put one of those in each cup of a Kendama? What do you think? Would it make learning easier?

Deanhorneck’s Profile PhotoDean Horneck
Not sure that would make things easier, but it would definitely make it quieter. -Steve


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