

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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my style is medium-ish speed, (not mickey speed but not snail pace) and involves a lot of hopping tricks, not unlike Jensen kimmitt's. What return top would serve me well? (leaning towards a wooly 2 rift now)

Wooly Marmot 2 would probably do great for you...that or a Puffin 2.
Liked by: Anthony Matthew

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Why don't you guys make return tops with the body shape of glacier express or the cliff any more?

They just didn't do especially well for us.
Liked by: Anthony

what can i look forward to when i first throw a puffin 2. what makes it special?

It's just a great design, manufactured really well. We're super proud of it, and you'll find it can handle any tricks you can think of.
Liked by: Anthony Kial Hocker

btw king yo star is Canada based I beliebe

They're China-based...they just have people in Canada working for them, as I understand it.

I feel that the Summit has always been more One Drop than CLYW. When will the next One Drop x CLYW collaboration be? Will it have more CLYW in it? :)

We haven't talked about anything with them...and since the Summit is still doing really, really well we're not in any hurry to replace it.

Since I bought the Arctic Circle,I had to change my playstyle from speed to slow and slack-ish because the feel is just so goooooood

Crazy how some return tops really do change the way you want to play, huh?
Liked by: Anthony

How many return tops do sponsored players receive when it's there own signature? Like Zach Gormley AC2.

Depends on the player and what they want/need.
Liked by: Anthony

Why doesn't Jensen use a color from the wooly marmot 2 runs? Not even his own incredible kimmitt... In cabin tutorials he's always using raw.

He uses what he uses, and he likes what he likes.
Liked by: Paulo Anthony


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