

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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What do you think of Ayumu's 4a play? I really like it. Do you know what yoyo he uses for 4a?

Not sure what he uses, but yeah...he's really good! -Steve
Liked by: Evan Slack

regarding the bonfire dislike question: I liked it for a long time, but now I can't stand it. had it since just after MWR.

Tastes change, and people like different things. That's why we don't make just one return top. ;) -Steve

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scouts, scouts, where are they? Petr, have you chosen the colourways? excited!!! Don't forget pictures and spec!! Thank you

They're being anodized now. -Steve

Do you ever have days where you can't hit a trick or something or you keep getting knots in your string and you just get pissed off with yoyoing? How do you deal with that?

I deal with that by just not playing any more that day. -Steve
Liked by: spike grimm

when are the solid puffin 2 comin out and how long after that will the ac2's come out?

I think Puffins are done with engraving. If not, they should be done soon. AC2s are being assembled. -Steve
Liked by: spike grimm

Hey Steve! I really like your yoyo related tattoos. And I was thinking about getting one of my one. Only issue is, do you think that if I get a tattoo of a yoyo company logo, say yoyo company X, do you think that would hinder my chances of being noticed by other non X companies? I'm not sponsored.

If you have to ask, don't do it. -Steve

Dear Charles, what do you look for in a yoyo?

I look for feel. Does it make tricks feel good? How does it flow? How does it effect the execution of my tricks? How does it feel in my hand? How does it effect my exploration of new ideas?
I mean I'm making it complicated but essentially I just look for whether it's giving me fun times or not.
Things I don't care about are spin times, the velocity it can achieve or if it makes something easier to do (having a return top that makes everything easy could even hurt your skill level as a player).
I tend to even lean towards return tops that select other people think are garbage. But to me it's beautiful, to me it's all about personality and not about making the most aerodynamic shiny spinning object. My taste in cars are very similar. I like all the groovy older designs that mechanically give you no advantage and might even be harder to drive, but damn does it ever have character!
Sometimes I go into specifics, like how good is it for magic drops? Regens? Rejections? Although keep in mind that you can't have it all in one throw. That's why it's nice to switch it up!
- Charles

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Chuck... My thoughts on you not competing are different. You said it would be too much work and would take the fun out of it. I think nothing comes without hard work. Even if it would be more work than you want it to be, dont you want to win??? You have SO much potential. Not hating just wondering:)

Well hard work can be fun. You can have both. And perhaps even if it isn't super fun at certain points, it's about pushing through to get to where you want to go, I see what you're saying in that sense.
I was bummed out about the times I would do the practicing and then not even make finals. I couldn't even show my hard work. Of course, I could have put in extra hard work to make it through prelims, but at that point in my life and with the other things that were going on, it just didn't seem worth it to me (although I'm sure that the practicing still made me a better player).
Sometimes I just don't feel like it and I think that that's a good enough answer. It's a toy to me first and foremost. I like the messing around and the relaxing more than I do the practicing.
However, I do sometimes have the desire to get better at free-styling and make a routine that I think is really good. But when you ask me if I want to win?... well... I couldn't care less about that. Get rid of all the ego, all the pride; it doesn't matter how you compare to other people. I would just want to make something that I think is dope (and perhaps even express something of myself).
If done really well perhaps that would even win, but man yoyoing is just so hard. Knowing Jensen so well, and hearing of Ando and Yuuki (not that i'm comparing myself to them), making a freestyle of that level to take a world title in such a majestic fashion requires you to make sacrifices in other parts of your life. I don't want it to infringe on my friends, my family, and my other pursuits. I'm just not that driven to do it right now, yoyoing is a hobby for me.
I think that I would like to make a couple dope freestyles in the future, but I'll see where I'm at if that time comes. And I'm not trying to make competition look bad, I think that healthy competition can be great for the motivation and progression of all players; but we can obviously get carried away with it fairly easily.
Thank you for your compliment, and for your honest thoughts. You could even argue that I'm selfish in not realizing my potential; but I have to find the balance of giving back to the world and keeping it enjoyable for myself. They have to work together, and I think that I do a fair amount with videos and exploring ideas anyways.
Well that should be enough reading for one day!
- Charles

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