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Orca coming in April? Please make it April because I'm going to Japan and I would like to purchase one in an actual store!

Probably late March / early April. -Steve

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My favorite kitty string type is nylon kitty. Since clyw advertises fat kitty over normal, do you also recommend fat nylon over normal nylon?

We don't "recommend" anything other than players trying everything out and using what they like. We personally tend to, as a group of players, lean towards Fat Kitty so that's what we package with our return tops. -Steve

Whoa! I just discovered that the AC2 was used to take 1st AND 2nd at PNWR! More additions to the long list of competitions it has taken. How many more runs are planned?

The final run has been anodized and has moved to assembly. -Steve

So the yeti is releasing this week then, right?

Doesn't appear that way. Our assembly team is running a little behind due to getting WM2 and Sasquatches out the door, and Puffin 2s on deck. Yeti's are kind of a "as you can" priority for us right now....since we've been really backed up on metal return top production we're trying to get caught up there. Sorry for the hassle! This is officially what I consider to be "growing pains". CLYW is definitely ready to level up a bit, but creating better infrastructure to increase production even by just a few hundred return tops a year is a stupid amount of work. -Steve
Liked by: Evan Slack

will the yeti play like a 45 dollar yoyo? or will it play beyond that?

Depends entirely on what you expect out of a $45 dollar return top. -Steve

Why is the AC2 being retired? I thought it was a great yoyo

It's a signature model for someone who wants something different now. So, time to move on! -Steve
Liked by: GN Yoyo Co


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