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Steve, were you ever in the military?

No. But I've seen 'Stripes" several times, and I did once have a crush on a girl who was in the Coast Guard, and I'd like to think that counts. -Steve

Is the yeti 2 going to be different from the yeti as the puffin 2 is different from the puffin? Or it is going to be more similar?

The new Yeti is an up-sized, refined version of the Yeti. Not a drastic change. -Steve

How would you describe Rainbow Trout? I mean, what and what acid wash with what splash.

Anodizing is as much art as it is science. And some anodizers just kind of do whatever they want, no matter what you order. That's how you end up with Rainbow Trout. I don't think we even ordered it, so I have no idea how the anodizer got those results. -Steve
Liked by: DA GN Yoyo Co

have theirr ever beans a chocholate diped yoyo/?? like a fuondew dippper!?!? mmmhhmm tasty ideas right??

You should make one! -Steve

Rainbow Trout Chief please please please please! Pretty please! I was so close to getting a Scout, but the check out had error and I missed out on it, but still happy to get a Space Camo :p

I'll put it on the list! -Steve
Liked by: GN Yoyo Co

Hey, What was the inspiration behind Micheal Kurti's and Andrew Maider's upcoming signature models; the Blizzard and the Igloo?

Increased performance for two members of our team that really needed an extra bump in their gear. -Steve

Sorry to bother you, but I'm visiting Edmonton this summer, and I was wondering if you would be open to having a visitor, to see what you do, learn a little about yoyo design (I absolutely love yoyo design) fan boy a bit (okay, more than just a bit) and buy a yoyo or two if you have some Thanks!

Drop Chris a line at thelodge@clyw.ca. -Steve

Are you allowed to do sub-styles of each play style such as Moebius for 1A?

Not sure what you mean by "allowed". Like, in contests? Check the rules for whatever contest you're talking about, and it should be spelled out. -Steve

Do you know where I can find some Yoyojam stuff other than Yoyoexpert?

Let's all just stop for a moment and enjoy the absurdity of this, yeah? -Steve
Liked by: James Luce

If you guys can make plastic throws that are relatively cheap does it mean we'll see a CLYW offstring in the future? Would be interesting!

No plans. -Steve
Liked by: Ryan Marble


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