

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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What do you mean? You know 1% who they are?... Kind of like 99% fat free?

I mean when I see the name of the person who asked the question, so do you when I answer it. So if you scroll down, you'll see that we get a few names but mostly....anonymous.
Liked by: Anthony

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i almost forget that puffin is actualy pallis r. top and that palli even exist as well... hes soo invisible :| he shloud fix this

He's going to be competing at 44Clash next month...you're gonna see a lot more Palli soon.
Liked by: Anthony

I just scored a mint Camp Caribou BvM2 from the BST forums for a pretty ridiculous price. This thing is amazing, bummer it has to be retired. Can't wait for Puffin 2 though! I can't decide between Maiderade and Nebula, should I get both?

I like Nebula a lot, but holy moly Maiderade is so. darn. good!

I got a fools gold glacier express a little while ago and lost it. I love it a lot. Will there be one or a cliff on b grade yoyos so I can fill the gap of that type of yoyos?

Nope....Glacier Express and Cliff are loooooong gone. Sorry!
Liked by: Anthony

Now that I'm on the topic of YYF, what is your favorite throw of theirs? Mine is the 2014 Genesis. Crazy good yoyo.

The Cypher is super nice, and the last run of Hubstacked Catalyst was amazing.
Liked by: Anthony

Yeti! I challenge you to a syrup chugging contest! Meet me by the singing bush behind old man Chris's house! And bring your mommy so she can wipe away your boogies after you lose! Oh yeah!

You are going to lose, and then you are going to cry, and then Chris' mom is going to knit you a hanky to mop up your tears.

zach finally got a win!!!!!!!!!!!1 he deserved world's way more than gentry

We're absolutely THRILLED that Zach won! His routine was amazing, and he totally earned it!
But Gentry did a great job at Worlds, and we're happy for his win there. There's no reason at all to push someone down in order to build someone else up. Be nice, eh?

My summit makes me feel like I'm cheating. String rejections just happen on their own, it's like the yoyo is doing the work for me. I'm afraid, is it sentient?

Yes. Yes it is.
Liked by: Anthony

At what point do you think someone could consider themselves an expert at yoyo? If they can do some of the Cabin Tutorial tricks? I've always wondered how to evaluate yoyo skill.

"Expert" means a lot of things to a lot of people, but the straight definition is "a person who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of or skill in a particular area."
There are a lot of great players out there, but I wouldn't say they all have comprehensive and authoritative knowledge. I wouldn't even say most of them do.

I got an unmarked black Yeti with the normal pickaxe sticker. Is it a prototype? or just unmarked?

Not sure what you mean by "unmarked"?
Liked by: Anthony


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