

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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How does yeti eat and not get food into his facial hair?

What makes you think he doesn't get food in his facial hair? -Steve

Steve, was it your idea to engrave the future Sasquatch release? Genius idea really, now I want to purchase another one just based on the engraving alone. Can we expect any other neat engravings on current throws?

Jordan Snow
It's something that CLYW did with early runs and then stopped doing for a while. Pretty sure it was Chris' idea to start it up again, and I 100% agree. -Steve

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I noticed that OD does the machining of your yoyos. Has that always been the case? Who did it before?

Not always. We have tried working with quite a few machine shops in Canada, but the results were inconsistent. We lost entire runs of return tops due to machining errors. For a company our size, that sort of thing can kill you quickly. Chris added One Drop to our supplier list and the results were really fantastic and after more and more problems with the shops in Canada he finally just moved all our machining to their shop for the sale of quality and fewer headaches. -Steve
Liked by: Dean Horneck

My yoyo has been shipped from Hungary and i'm just waiting... It feels like forever... I WANT MY BONFIRE! :3

You're gonna love it! Thanks for the support. -Steve
Liked by: Dean Horneck

any nebula colorways coming out soon?

We have so much stuff being anodized right now, I honestly don't even remember what we ordered. So...maybe? Ha ha -Steve

When is the next run if AC2? Which yoyo has more float and spin time? Which yoyo should I get? When will you do hulk smash again? Can I have a hair tutorial for your mustache fibers?

Soon! This one! That one! Soon! Maybe! -Steve

whats more floaty the chief or puffin 2. and is the chief a good contest yoyo in your opinion

They have a similar "float" and speed to me, personally. They are both really fast return tops, although I think the Puffin 2 is a bit better for competition. -Steve

Steve it would be really cool if chuck kind of documentary on clyw on how it formed and what it has accomplished over the years but they'll probly never be Time for that huh?

That would be super cool but holy crap it would take foreeeeeeeeever! -Steve
Liked by: Dean Horneck

Hey can you rank these in order of spin time on your average throw? I realize it can be subjective depending on the person throwing. The Gnarwhal 2, Bear Vs Man 2, Chief, and Advance Scout

In order of longest to shortest:
Gnarwhal 2
everything else

I was on Facebook and saw this really really cool fan art of what looked like a warrior chief and had purple chief sitting next to the drawing. This picture was really cool. Did you guys see it?

Yup! Neat! -Steve


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