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Which colorway of the AC2 did Zach Gormley use in the video on the CLYW YouTube page?

We have a lot of videos on our YouTube page...you're gonna have to be a little more specific than that. Maybe a link?

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CLYW is a company about the people, for the people. Hear their cries, fix their sorrows, give the people what they want! Peak 2!

We do try to take care of our fans, but on this one point we're just going to have to disappoint you.
There will be no more Peaks. There will be no Peak 2.
Liked by: Anthony

Since the first Wooly Marmot was a smaller version of the popular Peak model, is it a fair assessment that the Peak would look similar to the Wooly Marmot 2 if it (the Peak) had a sequel?

Eh. Sorta?
Liked by: Anthony

When you film the Cabin Tutorials do you shoot multiple takes? Or is Charles just so beastly that he cranks them out in one go?

Depends on the trick. Inherently, they are all multiple takes since he shoots multiple angles...but sometimes he can rock through them quickly while others need a little more time to dial in perfectly for camera.

Are the spikes on the Bonfire meant for finger spins? I try to pull start it and my fingertips slip right off. Is it just part of the yoyo design (for looks, weight, aesthetics) or is it meant to do fingerspins?

They are not meant for fingerspins.
Liked by: Anthony

How do you come up with your colorways? Do you just tell the anodizer what you envision, or does the anodizer give you a bunch of sample aluminum swatches of various designs and colors to choose from?

Chuck and Yeti throw buckets of paint off the roof The Lodge, and then photograph the mess and send it to the anodizer with instructions that say "This, please."

don't you think a colab with mokeyfingeR would be cool? they're close to you guys aren't they and they do the whole blend art with performance thing. i think it'd be sweet.

Nah...doesn't seem like a good fit.
Liked by: Anthony


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