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Realease the Yetis on June 1st because its my Birthday and then I can buy one as a gift to myself

We'll get them out the door as fast as we can. Happy birthday. ;) -Steve
Liked by: Anthony DA Erik Kerber

do you think the solid colors are more boring than splashes

I personally prefer solids colors. And I think with the sweet engravings we've been doing, they're pretty awesome looking. -Steve
Liked by: Erik Kerber

I understand that CLYW has been growing exponentially for the past years but you still need to stay humble. If not, the customers won't stick with you.

I appreciate your viewpoint. Here's mine:
1. I genuinely apologize if my advice came off as anything other than purely practical. That was not my intention.
2. I do realize that people expect discounts from large companies. We are not a large company. We are a two-man operation who spend more money on our team than on ourselves. On average, Chris and I get paid for one out of ever four hours we work. When people ask for discounts from us, I find it offensive and rude. To me, it's them devaluing what we do. We are frequently asked for discounts, and I always answer with "it costs what it costs". We are working on lower cost options for our fans but in the meantime...our goods cost what they cost and no amount of conversation is going to change that.
3. I wish I knew where this "exponential growth" was, ha ha. Am I working for the wrong CLYW? Is there another one somewhere with a ton of money? :)
I appreciate you taking the time to talk. I really do apologize that my initial answer was less tactful than it could have been. I personally take great offense to haggling about prices, so my answers about such things tend to be very short and abrupt...usually in order to keep me from running my mouth and getting irritated about it. ;)
Thanks for your support. It's very appreciated. -Steve

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Liked by: Joni Erik Kerber

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Being the marketing manager, I feel you could have given a more tactful reply. It sounded to me that you were implying in an arrogant manner "if you can't afford it, don't buy it" instead of having the intention to advise the person to "spend within his means". (Continued)


Steve, I hope you understand that your customer base is made up of kids who do not have an income. Having those questions on discounts and freebies is part of every business. I am sure retailers of bigger companies also get the same questions. (Continued)


is the maiderade colorway for the ac2 supposed to be 10 dollars more than the original price? Because on yoyorewind it costs 159.99 dollars

We have no control over how retailers set their prices...that's totally up to them. -Steve

what are zach's favorite pants to wear? i always see him wearing joggers or sweatpants

I think he's partial to the kind that cover his parts. -Steve
Liked by: GN Yoyo Co

Steve, i dont know about you but it is natural for people to bargain. It is just nature of business. If you eliminate the fact that you can bargain in a business, well i can just name you any price and you are willing to blindly pay for it? Is not rude is just dealings

Thanks for your insight. Clearly we have very, very different ideas about what kind of behavior is appropriate in a retail setting. -Steve
Liked by: McNelly

What about some collab model with Berry? (Zdenek's Czech yoyo brand) I think it would be best yoyo!

We have our own stuff to worry about at the moment. -Steve

Is your new anodizer in some way related to the premium splash one of YYF USA?

Maybe? Good business practice is that you don't talk to your clients about your other clients. Also good business practice is not to ask your suppliers about their other clients. -Steve
Liked by: Brent smith

The issue is, when people think of international shipping from the CLYW store they also consider customs to be part of that cost, which you can't control, but it does tend to make the yoyo 20-30% more expensive than if purchased within the US. Some people may ask for double releases to save on that.

And I appreciate that, but that's why we have retailers all over the world, that's why we declare items bought from the CLYW store low, and that's why we charge flat-rate $5 shipping on all orders over $100. We've done a lot already to make things as easy as possible for our customers, but we can't also take special requests for release schedules on top of that.
I appreciate that it's hard to buy expensive things. I personally have very expensive tastes in quite a few things, and I'm always looking for a deal. But I never email Canon or Self Edge and tell them to cut me a deal because their stuff is expensive. I just take it as fact that this is how much is costs to get those things. If I can't afford those things at the stated price, I don't get them.
I was brought up that it's rude to haggle, especially over money. So I'm always just a little confused by people who constantly do it for our return tops, or ask us for free stuff. It's not something that I was ever taught was acceptable, and as much as I've tried to understand where other people are coming from, I really just don't get it. -Steve

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Liked by: Brent smith

Hi clyw. Do you guys keep certain feedback and not post it here? I am just curious how you guys manage ask fm

I think we answer probably more than 95%. I delete the mean stuff, or people sending us messages that just say "OK" in response to...whatever their anonymous question was. -Steve

Hi steve. I think it is also helpful to help your customer to save on shipping cost because they do make an effort to save up and buy return tops from you guys hence supporting you guys. I think an arrogant respond like really put people off. Imagine from a customer point of view and their feelings.

I'm sorry you felt I was being arrogant...I was being practical! We are always very flattered when people save up to buy our return tops. It just greatly bothers me at the idea of people buying them when they really can't afford them, and when someone is worried about a few dollars shipping on a pair of $130 - $150 return tops, I consider that a warning sign that maybe they shouldn't be spending almost $300 on luxury goods. I would rather you bought something from another company and stayed in your price range than have you over spend with us. I very much care about our customers, and sometimes that means encouraging them to do something that I feel is in their best interest, even if it doesn't benefit us. -Steve

Any chance of making more runs of the AC2 7075 since it seems popular and everyone wants one?

Nope. -Steve

Should i get 1 ac2 and 1 7075 ac2 or just get 2 7075 ac2 right away when it comes out?

Get whatever makes you happy. -Steve


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