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Hey guys I need help! I'm MAD in love with the gnar2, any suggestion for my next throw? Is there anything with similiar dimensions? Also asking while drunk: when do I know I'm too drunk for yoyoing? :P

Head for the Puffin 2 next. You'll dig it.
You're too drunk for return tops when you start watching the old Arne Dixon Duncan video and think "THIS IS BRILLIANT". -Steve
Liked by: Dean Horneck DA

Are Puffin 2s the most likely return top in your line to strip (the axle)?

It's pretty hard to strip an axle. It generally requires some serious abuse. For example, I've been throwing return tops for 20 years and I've only stripped one axle in that entire time. So, unless you're trying to using each return top as a feat of strength, I wouldn't worry about it. -Steve

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Will the Yeti's be released on the CLYW webstore or will it be a usual standard release through the retailers?

Liked by: DA

How would I know if the bearing is the culprit? Is it that I need to clean it, lube it, or just change it?

If you take out the bearing, stick in on the tip of a pencil, and spin it with your thumb you should be able to hear if it's not spinning smoothly or stopping quickly or making weird noises. If it is, I would recommend cleaning it with mineral spirits and then adding a tiny drop of a light machine oil. You can use 3-in-1 oil, gun oil, sewing machine oil, etc. -Steve

so is the scout technically chief X bonfire X bvm2

Yes. We aren't usually much for "mashup" designs, but this is really want Petr wanted and it turned out really nice! -Steve

will the scout be more floaty the the advance scout?

Probably less floaty, actually, although I don't have one yet. -Steve

Will the yetis dropping this month have ctx bearings? Please bring them back!

Most likely. We are transitioning back to the CTX bearings (full statement on this coming soon, and the next Puffin 2 release will be our first full release with CTX bearings again! -Steve

should i get a yeti when it drops or a budget metal? how does the performance vary?

It's all preference. I will say, though, that the Yeti is truly unique. I have a pile of them and really enjoy using them. But being plastic, they aren't going to last as long as a metal return top...plastic can break and wear. Kinda your call, but I think they are worth it for the feel, play and experience of using something unique. -Steve
Liked by: DA

Any black Yetis in the next run?

I don't *think* so but I honestly don't know what parts Chris shipped to our assembly guys. -Steve

when do the orcas come out? Like what month same with restocks on yoyoexpert thanks

We'll announce a release date as soon as we have one. -Steve

I just learned oof regen and let me tell you, that trick is hard, I mean it looks simple and stupid, but that trick is hard!

Yeah, those unresponsive regen tricks can be tricky. Glad you hit it though! -Steve

Any team members going to ma states or NER! ?

That's Maider and Kurti's stomping grounds, so I expect you'll see both of them there. Possibly Elliot and Mangarin if they make the trip as well? No one is confirmed yet. -Steve
Liked by: Dean Horneck

This question has always been on my mind. If your string has a knot in it, it is bad to continue to play with it? I know it messes with string tension. But is it bad for the response pads to have them run over a knot? Or is it bad for the yoyo in general? I can only assume the pads to be affected.

Deanhorneck’s Profile PhotoDean Horneck
If your string has a knot, it's bad for play. String segments are going to catch on each other, things won't move through the gap smoothly, etc. I suppose it could cause some additional wear on the pads but I imagine that would be pretty minimal. -Steve

oi steve r u scrubz sponsoring pnwr

This year we will be sponsoring fewer events, but working hard on more new products and on doing more for our team. We're still going to sponsor the larger contests and hope to get as much of our team to them as possible, but we're working really hard right now to make sure that CLYW stays sustainable. Now that Chris is back full-time and I'm working here full-time, our overhead is a little higher but we can get more done. So this year will be kind of a "transition" while we strengthen and re-focus the company and that means we have to cut back on a few other things to make bigger things happen.
In a perfect world, we could do EVERYTHING all at once but we're just two guys working out of our houses and trying really hard to make this company sustainable. I know that's going to be a bummer for some contest organizers, but we hope that they understand. -Steve

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a couple of questions for you guys haha. 1.When is the next run of AC2s? 2.Will there be solids? 3.will they be shipped to rewind? 4.How much will they be in solids? sorry for so much questions haha

1. Final run of Arctic Circle 2 is finishing up anodizing now, or finished and heading for assembly. Not 100%.
2. Nope.
3. If they order them, yes.
4. No solids.
5. No problem. ;)

Should I leave the bearing shield on when applying lube?

Yes. Absolutely.
Public Service Announcement: LEAVE YOUr BEARING SHIELDS ALONE.
More bearings are ruined by people screwing around with the bearing shields than anything else. If your bearing has shields on it, then it was designed to have shields on it and by taking them off you are disrupting the natural order of things. Volcanoes, floods, dog and cats sleeping together....MASS HYSTERIA! -Steve


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