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Have the Orcas started shipping to Canada?

Once your order has been processed and shipped, you will receive an email with a shipping notification and tracking number. -Steve

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Have you ever recorded a yoyo video and pass gas then hear it on the reply and laugh hysterically when nobody else has any idea what is wrong with you and they think you are go nuts or something? If so, I feel for you because... never mind.

I envy you. -Steve

Hey Chris! Just wanted to ask how you feel about discontinuing the WM2? Did you like it? Any favourite colorway of it? What did it mean to you? I'm so sad.. Can't decide on what colorway would go nicely with the Camp Caribou Blizzard one I have. I need another WM2 before it's gone!

Ya I am sad. It was a fun project to work on and people really liked it. My fav colorway was the Maiderade. Turned out the best on it. Really complimented the curves. -Chris
Liked by: Anthony Ian Jones DA

chris I just wanna say ur the best at designing return tops without u there return topps would be to consistent you make either unique and one of a kind

Thank you so much. That means a lot! -Chris

In your opinion, what should GN Yoyo Co do? I hope they see this.

For one they should stop sending me emails about donating money to their IndieGoGo campaign. Beyond that, they need to stop talking about everything they think they want to do and actually get something done. So far it's been all talk and nothing to show, and that's why everyone is making fun of them. I hope they figure out what they're doing, and I genuinely wish them the best, but so far it looks like one of those flyer bands I started in high school...you know, bands that only exist on fake flyers for shows that will never happen. -Steve

After seeing your answer on the "copycats", what is your opinion on YOYOWORKSHOP? They have the same brown boxes and the same colorways as CLYW, albeit with slight variation!

Well, hopefully they find themselves new packaging moving forward that is more representative of their brand. But I don't really know anything about their brand, so I don't have any suggestions for them. Happy to help them find something else though. -Steve
Liked by: Nathaniel Varela

Would you do a grey bip bop bvm 2 for a minty mint gnarwhal 1? Is just want advice

I don't trade return tops, so I really have no idea. Sorry. -Steve

What's a good metal yoyo if I'm pretty much starting unresponsive yoyoing

Get something cheap, like $50 range. There is a ton of great stuff available...pick something from a reputable company that looks good to you. -Steve


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