

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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Speaking hypothetically, would it be possible for someone (with lots of money) to order an entire run of a de-commisioned model (Cliff/BVM2/Puffin) from CLYW? If so how much would you guys ask for money-wise, and what would be the size of the run? Thanks

I really doubt it, but we could maybe be swayed by an idea that was really super cool and still fit with our goals and plans for CLYW. -Steve

I agree, gnarwhal 2 doesn't get enough love... At least me and you appreciate it. And on that note, the video that Andrew did when it came out was too good, he should make more like that.

We've got a pretty sweet Gnarwhal 2 video from Adam Brewster all lined up for this next release. You're gonna love it! But yeah, we need more from Andrew for sure. -Steve

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should I powder coat a clyw yoyo? I was thinking of doing my bonfire but I don't know where to get it done and how much it would be. do you know?

No idea how much it would cost or where to get it done, sorry. But we love the look! Too bad it's too inconsistent for production. -Steve

Not trying to bug you guys but do you think you'll do another run of bonfires by spring? I don't Have any money at the moment but i'm definitely saving up. Thanks!

Jean-Luc Texier
Not sure....we've got a lot of other models ahead of it. -Steve

For the next batch of fools gold bvm 2s, are they classified as fools gold mostly because of vibe or mostly because of ano flaws?

Mostly because of very mild vibe. These would be A-grades for most companies. And honestly...some of these really are A-grades. But since we're retiring this model, we figured it would be easier to just drop the whole lot of them as Fools Gold, and that way some random people just end up getting a hell of a deal. -Steve
Liked by: jordan albers

Can we buy Harrison protos at Las Vegas open?

No. When I say "he'll have protos" I mean we're making like 5 of them for him to play test before we determine if we need to make another round of changes or if we can schedule production. -Steve

how good is Andrew at diving? has he won any titles? and what does he do in track for events

Ha ha I haven't won any titles. In track I pole vault. -Andrew
Liked by: James Gilroy

will there perhaps be a Wooly Marmot 3 in the future for Jensen? I have the WM 1 and 2 and they are so awesome!

Maybe? We're all still pretty stoked on the Wooly Marmot 2, and don't have any plans to retire it anytime soon. -Steve

How does the Gnarwhal 2 play?

Seriously, that return top doesn't get enough love. It's almost like a Sasquatch / Puffin crossover...it's fast like a Puffin but with the crazy spin time and stability of the Sasquatch. It just doesn't slow down for anything. Really a fantastic return top. -Steve
Liked by: aaron bendich

What can you guys attribute to the amazing success of CLYW?

I attribute all of it to Chris' vision for the company, his skill as an engineer and return top designer, and the amazing team he put together. Chris is one of the most conscientious people I know, and everything that CLYW does has to be in-line with his vision for how a company should treat its fans. -Steve

Pros and cons of using bearing shields?

Pros: They keep crap out of your bearing.
Cons: They make it harder for you to needlessly over-maintenance your bearing, probably causing damage.
Seriously folks, leave your bearings alone. Break them in with play. Don't run them dry. -Steve

Is Chuck or Harrison's signature coming first?

Harrison's signature is done, and he'll have protos at the Las Vegas Open. We have an initial render of Chuck's but need to make some more changes before we move to prototype. -Steve
Liked by: Lincoln Morris

i just ordered black with pink specle whats the closest thing it plays to? also in the bonfire vid what does charles say at 3:06?

Bonfire plays like a Bonfire.
Chuck says "Why are you always doing this kinda stuff!?"
Liked by: GN Yoyo Co Sean Ng


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