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hey steve, can i have a updated pictute of your yoyo collection?

It's all in storage. We're trying to sell our house right now so I'm trying to keep it clutter free. -Steve

hey guys just curious have either of you played with the spyy titanium? I looked for a review a couple of times never found one.

Haven't thrown one yet...last time Chris and I talked about it he didn't have one either. -Steve

Okay...I promised myself ill never touch a plastic yoyo after i got my first metal. You sir have broken down my resistance. Im going to buy a Big Dipper. So in love with it already!

It's super fantastico! I'm really enjoying it. -Steve

Will you guys be loaning a Big dipper to highspeedyoyos for review??

Hadn't planned on it. At $35 I'm pretty sure they can afford one. ;) -Steve
Liked by: Lac Phan

The Big dipper and the Borealis have The same specs. How did you guys get the desired weight and how did you guys tweak the weight distribution to get optimal play from the Dipper???

Chris is a mechanical engineer. And hella smart. And the diameter and the width are different. -Steve
Liked by: Jacob Jeans

The photos of the Big dipper are extremely confusing. Does it have like white patches like in an acid wash or is it a solid colour which is reflecting the light?

The Big Dippers are solid colors. What are you are seeing is the light reflecting off the return tops. -Steve

What qualities make a yoyo good at 5a? Like wouldn't a good 1a yoyo just be good for 5a?

Yep. Just about anything you like for 1A will work great for 5A. As you get deeper into the style you'll find that you will probably develop style-specific preferences, but they tend to be different for everyone. -Steve

Duuuuders. Got 5 letters for you: A-Y-U-M-U! Absolutely adore his EJA freestyle. Amazing. Give this man a medal. (On a side note, which return top was he using? Thanks!)

We ADORE him! Wasn't his FS amazing???? Blew my mind! He was throwing a Borealis. -Chris
Liked by: DA

What does Steve do for CLYW on a day to day basis?

A ton ... Manage the team, ship packages, manage projects, help out with budgeting, help me with picking colorways and deciding what to order, write blog posts ... He's basically my right hand man and helps talk us through decisions we need to make. -Chris

What are the differences between the original avalanches compared to the comeback avalanches? Is the difference enough to change the feel of the yoyo while playing? Which do you prefer? :D

Just some tweaks in weight distribution. The "comeback" version plays a little smoother and hits the end of the string a little lighter. -Steve

The new yoyonews site looks nice! Did that get rid of the old articles?

No, but I did break the navigation along the bottom that let's you go to the next page, ha ha. André just messaged me about it too, fixing it now. Thanks! -Steve

What's Steve current favourite CLYW return top? Is it the same as Chris the sasquatch?

My favorite is the Sasquatch...I am the one who answered earlier, not Chris. Check for signatures, lol. ;)
I checked with Chris and he said right now it's the Borealis and the Big Dipper. -Steve

Hey culd u tell me the easiest/simplest Jensen Cabin Tutorial pls?

That depends entirely on your skill level, your personal strengths and aptitudes as a player, and your own learning curve. Thus, impossible for me to answer.
My recommendation: go watch a lot of them and try everything. :) -Steve

Are you going to make a more orangey or poppy-like solid gold colorway like the palpitation

We don't really pay attention to Turning Point colorways, so unless it's something you've already seen from us...not likely? -Steve

Awwww dang! One or two days ago I asked the awkward question if the "Borealis" would beat the other plastic yoyos on the market performance wise, when NOT counting the price range as an argument. Of course I was talking about the Big Dipper.. Sorry! Could you think about that question again? :-/

We don't think about our products in terms of "does this beat some other companies product?" We think about them in terms of "what do we want this to do, how to we want it to perform, and what part of the CLYW story does this tell?"
We have found that creating from the inside out, and looking for the next part of the CLYW story rather than just reacting to outside influences from other companies is the best way for us to create our products. We listen to fans, we listen to our team, and we listen to our brand....but we really don't need input from other companies.
The Big Dipper was created because we love Zach and are so crazy proud of him and his accomplishments. And we know that he is a HUGE inspiration to so many players around the world, but for a lot of those players a Borealis is just out of their reach. So we wanted something that Zach loved, that could be within reach for a lot more players. Something that would give people a chance to participate in the CLYW brand without spending a ton of money, and something that we could keep in stock for our retailers in between runs of metal return tops that seem to disappear all too quickly. It's flattering when our products sell out fast, but it's frustrating when new fans come in and then they have to wait for weeks for a chance at picking up their first CLYW. And spending $130+ for your first return top from a company is a LOT to ask of new fans.
The Big Dipper is about CLYW reaching out to more players, because we love return tops and we want to share that with as many people as possible. Some people seem to have a mad-on about us making them in China, but they are made ethically by a company with a good reputation. And the quality is 100x better than when we tried to make plastic return tops in North America. We are happy with the project, Zach is happy with the project, and we think people are going to LOVE them when they finally get into players hands. Everyone on the team who has tried one loves it so far, and we think it's a huge step forward for CLYW. -Steve

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Damn I can't wait for the Big Dipper! So much hype! How does the testing go? Would you expect them to hit the stores soon or more near the end of the month/early february? Good luck for the rest of the testing period!

We're really hoping to have them in stores before the end of the month. We're hauling butt! -Steve

Why wasn't there a CLYW rendezvous vid for 2015?

We just weren't able to get the footage at Worlds. It's hard...there's always so much going on! -Steve

Loving the snapchat takeovers! Can't wait for the next one.

Thanks! Yeah, our team is super awesome. :) -Steve

I need another run of those army green Scouts. Earth tones are super underrated in the throwing community.

Agreed! -Steve

Big dipper is a cheap plastic chinese manufactured yoyo. All the things people thought they would never say about a clyw yoyo. Does the Big dipper deliver on the clyw experience?

Yes it does. -Steve

How does the big dipper compare to the yeti?

throwbindrepeat’s Profile PhotoThrowbindrepeat
No issues! Not as heavy. More nimble. Less solid feel but still well balanced for weight distribution. 12 out of 10 fun factor. -Chris


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