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What does Zach say When he comes to barber? I wanna have simillar haircut as he has.

Pretty sure he says "Hello barber, I would like for you to cut some of my hairs, please. Thank you." -Steve

what is the point to have subbrands? i kinda understand alec(hewant try something on his own), but chris is the owner, why dont he just relase his yoyo as clyw? thx and sorry for my english(not a native speaker)

It allows a wider range of creative freedom. If Chris did what he's doing with Pool Party, but just released it as a new return top from CLYW, people would complain about the design, the artwork, the Instagram posts, etc. because they aren't "CLYW enough". Creating a sub-brand (just like an artist leaving his band to do a solo album) allows a different level of creative freedom. And it's fun to be able to do something completely different. It's like when John Ando switched from 2A to 1A...it's not like he quit playing 2A, it's just that he wanted to be creative in a different direction. -Steve

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Are you guys having a fool's gold drop of any kind any time soon?

Nope. We don't have any Fools Gold! Had a little at Worlds, but the last few production runs have had 0 rejects. -Steve
Liked by: DA James Luce

Next time I'm in Edmonton, can I buy yoyos direct from the CLYW mothership? Paying international shipping to buy from a Canadian business is a bit of a bummer.

David Gudel
Email thelodge@clyw.ca to set something up! -Steve

In your photo of your CLYW collection Steve, what's up with the USPS box behind it, does it say CLYW Peak? Do you really have a box full of them? 😳

Nope, it says "CLYW Promo" and it was various stickers, patches, pins, etc. Gave it all out at Worlds, the box currently has office supplies in it. -Steve

Are fg clyw get the gruntbull finish too? I have an orca colorwya orca that is fg for ano issue and it doesn't feel nearly as smooth as my manatee

Fools Gold are just return tops that didn't meet our standards for retail. They have the same finish as the rest of whatever batch they were part of. -Steve

Why do you think it is that it's popular for plastics to have filled in cups (such as The big dipper) wouldn't it usually hinder performance? Or is it a matter of moulding being easier?

It makes molding easier and more consistent. -Steve

In the recent years we've seen many new plastic models that play incredibly well (Big Dipper included;) ). Seems like they all share some design elements - primarily, really thick walls, a lot of material inside the cup. Do you know what was the first yoyo to use this style of construction?

I think it was YoYoJam with the Classic. But I can't say for sure. Duncan's all had a thick wall too. But I think yoyojam really did a great job making it work. Then the diffusion made it really really work. -Chris


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