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Puffin 2 vs Wooly Marmot 2? What are the differences play wise?

The Puffin 2 is a little faster, and has more rim weight...more stable for horizontal play although the WM2 holds its own nicely.
The WM2 has that nice, chunky kind of soda can shape that gives it a different feel in the hand and on the string.
It's hard to put in to words but the WM2 feels more....casual. It still rips, don't get me wrong, but it just feels more like "Oh hey, here's a return top" versus "I need to grab my return top and get practicing."
That was a terrible comparison. I'm sorry. I'm just a yeti.

have u guys ever had bacon with brown sugar sprinkled on top halfway through the oven cooking? IT'S AMAZINGLY CANADIAN, (to add more canadiannesse add maple syrup) havent tried maple syrup tho but still?

Bless you, child.

Is the Yeti a good starter beginner?

If you're already comfortable binding a return top, the Yeti will work fine. If you're not super comfortable with that yet, start with something that you can set up to be responsive and then change to unresponsive when you're ready. Our friends at YoYoFactory make some really good beginner return tops...try one of theirs when you're getting started and then you can move up to CLYW when you're ready. :)

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For the contest to win Petr's new return top, which is more likely? 1) Poutine eating contest. 2) unicycle race through Prague in underwear. 3) Best homemade Canadian Bacon (or do you guys just call it ham?)

More likely is that he'll lose it at Worlds. First person to find it, wins!
Liked by: Bryce

Professor Yeti, could you explain if taking a shower hydrates the body or dehydrates the body? I've done some research and can't come to a conclusion.

Professor Yeti could you explain if taking a shower hydrates the body or
Liked by: Paulo

If you are cold weather company.. Then what with chief?

It was meant to be a respectful nod to the First Nations of Canada, although we've since realized that maybe it wasn't the best way to show our appreciation of their contributions. We've kept the name, but moved away from most of the artwork as there is the possibility it could be seen an offensive co-opting of a culture that we admire and respect.
Here are some resources to learn more about the First Nations of Canada:
Liked by: Bryce

Which yoyo would you recommend for an intermediate?

If you can bind, I would recommend pretty much any unresponsive metal return top in the $45 - $60 range. There are a TON of great ones, and trying out those will help you narrow down what you really want in a return top before you spend big bucks on one of ours.
Liked by: Adam E Brewster

"Chupacabra doesn't make sense for us, since none of them ever make it this far north. We are a cold weather company! " http://cryptidz.wikia.com/wiki/Canadian_Chupacabra

That's a myth. C'mon...the pictures look like Gollum, a gargoyle, an angry Great Dane, and two buzzards that have been smoking meth.
I know a few chupacabras. They're nice enough folks, but they are hairless and don't dig on the cold. People claim to see them up here, but mostly they are catching a glimpse of my cousin Reggie, who has mange and was the runt of the litter. He's never killed any goats that I know of, but he did get in a bar fight with an alpaca once. Long story.
Liked by: Adam E Brewster

Sunrise kingdom is new to you? I thought it already was on Puffin 1...

Maybe you're thinking of Spanish Sunset?
Sunrise kingdom is new to you I thought it already was on Puffin 1
Liked by: Matt Z

what run of avalanche was the berry berry color way ? you guys need to make a throw called The Chupacabra

Don't remember when we did the Ash Berry Avalanche, sorry!
Chupacabra doesn't make sense for us, since none of them ever make it this far north. We are a cold weather company!
Liked by: Adam E Brewster

I know last time someone asked that there's not a run of gnarwhal2s scheduled yet, but what can we expect? (Best guess) 1-2 months? Before the end of the year? Next sequence of 4 blood moons?

Hang on, lemme find my Mayan calendar....
Liked by: Adam E Brewster

Will the Spanish Sunset colorway ever be released on a Puffin 2? It would be beautiful next to its Puffin 1 counterpart.

We haven't planned the next run of Puffin 2s yet...so anything is possible!
Liked by: Adam E Brewster


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