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Can you turn me on to any Canadian hip hop groups?

ianbobian’s Profile PhotoIan Jones
Cadence Weapon, The Joe, Shad, Rich Kidd, Buck 65, Moka Only, K'naan, Classified, K-OS, Maestro. Hope that helps! I am sure Jensen knows a ton more.
Liked by: Ian Jones

So, Charles, have you still not used deodorant? If so why? Do you not produce smell or...well explain.

Oh he sure doing produce stank! I think he just likes being o'natural. - Chris
Liked by: Anthony

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What is better the WM2, Gnarwhal 2, Bonfire, AC2, Yeti, Puffin 2, Chief, Sasquatch, Avalanche, or Summit? Lol, you must get tired of these kinds of questions even though you like giving feedback.

Depends what your style is. I prefer the Bonfire and Yeti. Those are my favorites. - Chris
Liked by: Anthony

What goes on at the lodge? You guys ever do livestreams.

We used to do livestreams, but we hope to do something like this again in 2015. - Chris
Liked by: Anthony

Is it chemically safe to drink out of a return top?

I'm gonna go ahead and say %99 yes and leave that %1 in case anything horribly goes wrong you can't blame me. Also why would you want such tiny serving sizes? - Charles
Liked by: Anthony Matthew

Oh and even though I have 11 yoyos, students at my school think it's too much yoyos

James_liptak373’s Profile PhotoJames Liptak
Haha, it is though. I only use one at a time, maybe rotating through 2-3 in a year. Although there were times when I used a bigger variety. - Charles
Liked by: Anthony

Charles, are you a Game of Thrones fan? A fortnight is equal to 2 weeks right?

I'm just a fan of peculiar word choice, though I hear Game of Thrones is tight. Yes 2 weeks is correct! - Charles

chuck you do comedy right? is that what you want to do as a career or just a hobby?

Yup, I really dig the comedy, would like to go full time after I get better. - Charles
Liked by: Anthony

Ok, and Chuck your my favorite yoyoer from CLYW and also which is better bacon or sausage

James_liptak373’s Profile PhotoJames Liptak
Thanks! Well I would say that some ultra crispy thick sliced bacon would be exquisite for an appetizer, followed my some South African farmer's sausage for the main course. - Charles

I have tuned my Puffin 2 to be dead smooth. Whenever I unscrew it now and put it back together, the smoothness goes away. I have to re-tune it each time and the axle needs to be in a specific place for it to be dead smooth. Is it bad or unusual for the smoothness to go away every time I unscrew it?

That's fairly common. Just don't get knots yo! Or get a multi-tool of sorts, a safety pin to take out knots! - Charles
Liked by: Anthony

QUICK! You've lost your left arm in a freak syrup accident! While Yeti's calling Puffin and the ambulance, you have three minutes to do an impromptu return top freestyle. What tricks can still you do one-handed??

Amputee shirt!! AND seatbelt twirls!! - Charles
Liked by: Anthony James Liptak


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